------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ __ __ | __|___ _____ ___ ___| | | | | | .'| | -_| _|- -| |_____|__,|_|_|_|___|_| |__|__| All GamerX Admin and Player Commands ==================================== Sunday, 3rd May 2015 by Matite, Rick and Ez Includes new GamerX v4.4.6 commands 2814 commands in total Website and Forum: http://gamerxserver.com SAMP 0.3.7 Server: gamerxserver.com:8800 ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Login, Register and Help Commands --------------------------------- We allow these commands to be used without spawning /ns Displays info for players that type /ns login or /ns register /login Allows the player to login and restore their stats /lhelp Allows the player to view the login and registration system help /loginhelp Allows the player to view the login and registration system help /register Allows the player to register their name (so stats save) /help Displays the GamerX Help dialog for the player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc Commands Available in Jail, Toilet, Torture etc ---------------------------------------------------- /betahelp Displays the GamerX Beta Help to the player /newb Displays info for a new player (noob) /noob Displays info for a new player (noob) /newbie Displays info for a new player (noob) /noobie Displays info for a new player (noob) /top10 Displays a dialog of TOP 10 players /rules Displays the rules for the server /motd Displays the GamerX MOTD TextDraw for the player (or hides it if showing) /toggleregister Allows an admin to enable or disable use of the /register command (so new players can register ingame) /ss Allows the player to save their stats to the database (GX v3) immediately (if registered) /savestats Allows the player to save their stats to the database (GX v3) immediately (if registered) /ss2 Allows the player to save their stats to a file (GX v2) immediately (if registered) /savestats2 Allows the player to save their stats to a file (GX v2) immediately (if registered) /changepass Allows the player to change their login password (if registered) /tail Allows the player to enable or disable Auto-IP Login (if registered) /taipl Allows the player to enable or disable Auto-IP Login (if registered) /toggleautoiplogin Allows the player to enable or disable Auto-IP Login (if registered) /uptime Displays the GamerX Server Uptime time in hours and minutes /credits Displays the GamerX Credits /disclaimer Displays the GamerX Disclaimer /thanks Displays the GamerX "Thankyou To" message /thanksto Displays the GamerX "Thankyou To" message /about Displays the GamerX About message /info Displays the GamerX Info (author name and version/date) /ver Displays the GamerX version and date /version Displays the GamerX version and date /mylevel Displays the players GamerX Level (0 to 10) /level Displays the players GamerX Level (0 to 10) /getl Displays the players GamerX Level (0 to 10) /getlevel Displays the players GamerX Level (0 to 10) /gxlevels Displays the list of GamerX Levels and their meaning (0 to 10) /levels Displays the list of GamerX Levels and their meaning (0 to 10) /r Reply to the last PM using a dialog /pm Send a Private Message (PM) <--- New for 0.3 (OnPlayerPrivmsg removed) /lpm Allows the player to view the last Private Message (PM) they received /lastpm Allows the player to view the last Private Message (PM) they received /lipm Allows the player to view the last IRC Private Message (PM) they received /lastircpm Allows the player to view the last IRC Private Message (PM) they received /bot Displays the list of NPCs currently connected /bots Displays the list of NPCs currently connected /npc Displays the list of NPCs currently connected /npcs Displays the list of NPCs currently connected /leave Allows the player to leave the current race /raceparticipants Displays the list of race participants /racers Displays the list of race participants /rp Displays the list of race participants /rps Displays the list of race participants /raceinfo Displays information about the current race /ri Displays information about the current race /getid Allows a player to get the id for a player when they supply a name or partial name (returns up to 5 matches) /getid2 Allows a player to get the id for a player when they supply a name or partial name (returns only 1 match) /ghelp Displays the GamerX Hidden Pickup (Goo) Help dialog textbox for the player /goohelp Displays the GamerX Hidden Pickup (Goo) Help dialog textbox for the player /hphelp Displays the GamerX Hidden Pickup (Goo) Help dialog textbox for the player /racehelp Displays the race help for players in a dialog /aracehelp Displays the race help for admins in a dialog /raceadminhelp Displays the race help for admins in a dialog /buildhelp Displays the help for building a race in a dialog /buildracehelp Displays the help for building a race in a dialog /bh Displays the GamerX v3 Bank Help dialog to the player /bhelp Displays the GamerX v3 Bank Help dialog to the player /bankhelp Displays the GamerX v3 Bank Help dialog to the player /sk Displays the Spawn Kill Information dialog to the player /ski Displays the Spawn Kill Information dialog to the player /spawnkill Displays the Spawn Kill Information dialog to the player /spawnkillinfo Displays the Spawn Kill Information dialog to the player /stats Allows the player to view their stats/score/kill to death ratio etc /score Allows the player to view their stats/score/kill to death ratio etc /ks Allows the player to view their or another players current killing spree count /killingspree Allows the player to view their or another players current killing spree count /tr Allows a player to view a dialog with the current stats for themself or another player (when used by an admin it displays the IP address too) /track Allows a player to view a dialog with the current stats for themself or another player (when used by an admin it displays the IP address too) /tr2 Allows a player to view the current stats for themself or another player (when used by an admin it displays the IP address too) /track2 Allows a player to view the current stats for themself or another player (when used by an admin it displays the IP address too) /w Allows a player to view the current weapons for themself or another player /weapons Allows a player to view the current weapons for themself or another player /fch Allows an admin to search all players for NV, IR and/or Camera /findcheaters Allows an admin to search all players for NV, IR and/or Camera /vmodes Allows an admin to view the current vehicle modes of the specified player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Rank System Commands --------------------------- /ranks Displays information about the GamerX Ranks system /rankinfo Displays information about the GamerX Ranks system /myrank Displays the current GamerX Rank to the player plus what they need for the next GamerX Rank /rank Displays the current GamerX Rank to the player plus what they need for the next GamerX Rank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Achievements System Commands ----------------------------------- /myachievements Displays a list of achievements the player has earned /achievements Displays a list of achievements a player has earned /achievementslist Displays a list of all GamerX Achievements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Derby Event Commands -------------------------- /sdn Allows an Admin to set the Derby name /setderbyname Allows an Admin to set the Derby name /sdc Allows an Admin to set the Derby car model 1 /setderbycar Allows an Admin to set the Derby car model 1 /sdc2 Allows an Admin to set the Derby car model 2 /setderbycar2 Allows an Admin to set the Derby car model 2 /sdti Allows an Admin to set the Derby time limit /setderbytime Allows an Admin to set the Derby time limit /derbytime Allows an Admin to set the Derby time limit remaining /sdt Allows an Admin to set the Derby teleports /setderbyteleport Allows an Admin to set the Derby teleports /gotoderbyteleport Allows an Admin to go to the specified Derby Teleport /gdt Allows an Admin to go to the specified Derby Teleport /sdo Allows an Admin to set the Derby object set name /setderbyobjects Allows an Admin to set the Derby object set name /createderby Allows an Admin to create a new Derby (saves it in the database) /di Displays information about the current loaded Derby /derbyinfo Displays information about the current loaded Derby /fad Allows an Admin to fix/repair/flip all Derby participants vehicles /fixallderby Allows an Admin to fix/repair/flip all Derby participants vehicles /sdzl Allows an Admin to set the Derby Z limit /setderbyzlimit Allows an Admin to set the Derby Z limit /derbybuildhelp Allows an Admin to display the Derby building mode help /buildderbyhelp Allows an Admin to display the Derby building mode help /derbyadminhelp Allows an Admin to display the Derby admin commands help /derbyhelp Displays a dialog to the player with a list of commands that can be used in the Derby /tds Allows an Admin to toggle Derby settings (eg autofix, NOS and speed boost) /togglederbystuff Allows an Admin to toggle Derby settings (eg autofix, NOS and speed boost) /rdo Allows an Admin to reload the Derby objects (if used) /reloadderbyobjects Allows an Admin to reload the Derby objects (if used) /sdmc Allows an Admin to set the name of the Derby creator /setderbymapcreator Allows an Admin to set the name of the Derby creator /sdp Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload position /setderbypreloadpos Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload position /sdvh Allows an Admin to set the Derby vehicle starting health value /setderbyvehiclehealth Allows an Admin to set the Derby vehicle starting health value /sdpcl Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload camera look at position /setderbypreloadcamlook Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload camera look at position /sdpcp Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload camera position /setderbypreloadcampos Allows an Admin to set the Derby preload camera position /setderbytime2 Allows an Admin to set the Derby time (hour) /setderbyweather Allows an Admin to set the Derby Weather ID /addderbyteleport Allows an Admin to add a new teleport location to the currently loaded Derby /addbloodringcp Allows an Admin to add a BloodRing Checkpoint /resetbloodringcp Allows an Admin to reset all BloodRing Checkpoints /buildderby Allows an Admin to enter Derby building mode /exitbuildderby Allows an Admin to exit from Derby building mode /editderby Allows an Admin to edit the currently loaded Derby ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Sumo Event Commands ------------------------- /sumos Allows an Admin to set the Sumo score needed to win /setsumoscoretowin Allows an Admin to set the Sumo score needed to win ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Last Man Standing (LMS) Event Commands -------------------------------------------- /setlmsname Allows an Admin to set the LMS name /setlmsmode Allows an Admin to set the LMS mode /setlmsobjectset Allows an Admin to set the LMS object set name /setlmsteleport Allows an Admin to set the LMS teleport location /setlmsweapons Allows an Admin to set the LMS weapons /setlmscreator Allows an Admin to set the LMS creator name /setlmsmarkers Allows an Admin to set the LMS markers /setlmsjetpack Allows an Admin to set the LMS jetpack usage /createlms Allows an Admin to create a new LMS (saves it in the database) /editlms Allows an Admin to edit the currently loaded LMS /buildlms Allows an Admin to enter LMS building mode /exitbuildlms Allows an Admin to exit from LMS building mode /setlmspreloadpos Allows an Admin to set the LMS preload player position /setlmspreloadcampos Allows an Admin to set the LMS preload camera position /setlmspreloadcamlookat Allows an Admin to set the LMS preload camera look at position /setlmszlimit Allows an Admin to set the LMS Z limit /setlmstime Allows an Admin to set the LMS time (hour) /setlmsweather Allows an Admin to set the LMS Weather ID /setlmsbounds Allows an Admin to set the LMS bounds /addlmsteleport Allows an Admin to add a new teleport location to the currently loaded LMS Event /resetlmsteleports Allows an Admin to clears all teleports in the currently loaded LMS Event /addhgitempos Allows an Admin to add a new item position to the currently loaded Hunger Games Event /resethgitemspos Allows an Admin to clears all items positions to the currently loaded Hunger Games Event /buildlmshelp Allows an Admin to display the LMS building mode help /gotohgitem Allows an Admin to teleport to the specified Hunger Games Item /spawnhgitem Allows an Admin to create a hunger game item to their position /deleteallhgitems Allows an Admin to delete all the hunger games items /createallhgitems Allows an Admin to create all the hunger games items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Capture The Flag (CTF) Event Commands ------------------------------------------- /ctfs Allows an Admin to set the CTF score needed to win /setctfscoretowin Allows an Admin to set the CTF score needed to win /ctfinfo Displays information about the current loaded CTF /setctfname Allows an Admin to set the CTF name /setctfobjectset Allows an Admin to set the CTF object set name /setctfredflag Allows an Admin to set the CTF red flag pickup position /setctfblueflag Allows an Admin to set the CTF blue flag pickup position /setctfredteleport Allows an Admin to set the CTF red team teleport position /setctfblueteleport Allows an Admin to set the CTF blue team teleport position /setctfweapons Allows an Admin to specify up to four weapons to be used for the CTF /setctfskins Allows an Admin to set the CTF skins /setctfcreator Allows an Admin to set the CTF creator name /createctf Allows an Admin to create a new CTF (saves it in the database) /editctf Allows an Admin to edit the currently loaded CTF /buildctf Allows an Admin to enter CTF building mode /exitbuildctf Allows an Admin to exit from CTF building mode /setctfpreloadpos Allows an Admin to set the CTF preload player position /setctfpreloadcampos Allows an Admin to set the CTF preload camera position /setctfpreloadcamlookat Allows an Admin to set the CTF preload camera look at position /setctftime Allows an Admin to set the CTF time (hour) /setctfweather Allows an Admin to set the CTF Weather ID /respawnredflag Allows an Admin to respawn the red team's flag /respawnblueflag Allows an Admin to respawn the blue team's flag /setctfzlimit Allows an Admin to set the CTF Z limit /buildctfhelp Allows an Admin to display the CTF building mode help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Siege (Attack/Defend) Event Commands ------------------------------------------ /eventtime Allows an Admin to set the time remaining for the Siege Event in progress /gunmenu Allows the player to choose their weapon set during the Siege Event /balance Allows an Admin to balance the Siege teams before the Event starts /setfirstteamname Allows an Admin to set the Siege first team name /setsecondteamname Allows an Admin to set the Siege second team name /carmenu Allows a player on the attacker team to spawn a vehicle if enabled in the Siege /setsiegename Allows an Admin to set the Siege name /setsiegeweapons Allows an Admin to set the Siege weapons /setsiegemode Allows an Admin to set the Siege mode /setsiegeobjectset Allows an Admin to set the Siege object set name /setsiegeatteleport Allows an Admin to set the Siege attackers teleport location /setsiegedefteleport Allows an Admin to set the Siege defenders teleport location /setsiegecp Allows an Admin to set the Siege checkpoint position /setsiegeskins Allows an Admin to set the Siege skins /setsiegecreator Allows an Admin to set the Siege creator name /createsiege Allows an Admin to create a new Siege (saves it in the database) /editsiege Allows an Admin to edit the currently loaded Siege /buildsiege Allows an Admin to enter Siege building mode /exitbuildsiege Allows an Admin to exit from Siege building mode /setsiegepreloadpos Allows an Admin to set the Siege preload player position /setsiegepreloadcampos Allows an Admin to set the Siege preload camera position /setsiegepreloadcamlookat Allows an Admin to set the Siege preload camera look at position /setsiegevehicle Allows an Admin to enable or disable the ability for the attackers to spawn a vehicle /setsiegezlimit Allows an Admin to set the Siege Z limit /setsiegetime Allows an Admin to set the Siege time (hour) /setsiegeweather Allows an Admin to set the Siege Weather ID /buildsiegehelp Allows an Admin to display the Siege building mode help /addsiegevehicle Allows an Admin to add a vehicle for the current loaded Siege Event map /resetsiegevehicles Allows an Admin to reset all vehicles for the current loaded Siege Event map /respawnproject Allows an Admin to respawn the project ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Death Match and Team Death Match (DM/TDM) Event Commands -------------------------------------------------------------- /builddm Allows an Admin to enter DM/TDM building mode /exitbuilddm Allows an Admin to exit from DM/TDM building mode /setdmname Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM name /setdmobjectset Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM object set name to use /setdmfirstteleport Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM first teleport /setdmsecondteleport Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM second teleport /setdmmarkers Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM markers /setdmzlimit Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM Z limit /setdmweapons Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM weapons /setdmskins Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM skins /setdmtime Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM time limit /setdmpreloadpos Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM preload player position /setdmpreloadcampos Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM preload camera position /setdmpreloadcamlookat Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM preload camera look at position /setdmcreator Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM creator name /setdmtime2 Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM time (hour) /setdmweather Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM Weather ID /setdmkills Allows an Admin to set the DM/TDM kills needed to win /builddmhelp Allows an Admin to display the DM/TDM building mode help /adddmteleport Allows an Admin to add a new teleport location to the currently loaded DM/TDM /resetdmteleports Allows an Admin to clears all teleports in the currently loaded DM/TDM /editdm Allows an Admin to edit the currently loaded DM/TDM /createdm Allows an Admin to create a new DM/TDM (saves it in the database) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event System Admin Commands --------------------------- /lde Allows an admin to load an Event /lev Allows an admin to load an Event /loadevent Allows an admin to load an Event /ste Allows an admin to start the loaded Event /startevent Allows an admin to start the loaded Event /ee Allows an admin to end the loaded Event /endevent Allows an admin to end the loaded Event /fle Allows an admin to force a player to leave the Event /forceleaveevent Allows an admin to force a player to leave the Event /bre Allows an admin to bring a player to the Event /bringevent Allows an admin to bring a player to the Event /tet Allows an admin to enable or disable the event teleport /toggleeventteleport Allows an admin to enable or disable the event teleport /togglegxrc Allows an admin to toggle the GamerX Racing Competition Mode (players can't use /mytime) /ses Allows an admin to set the score to reach to win the event /seteventscoretowin Allows an admin to set the score to reach to win the event /timeevent Allows an admin to set the time remaining for an event /seteventscore Allows an admin to set the score for a player in the event /seteventteam Allows an admin to set the team for a player in the event /eah Allows an admin to view the admin Event commands /eventadminhelp Allows an admin to view the admin Event commands /beh Allows an admin to view the admin Building Event commands /buildeventhelp Allows an admin to view the admin Building Event commands /toggleeventrotation Allows an admin to toggle the automatic event rotation /ter Allows an admin to toggle the automatic event rotation /nextevent Allows an admin to load the next event in the rotation file /nev Allows an admin to load the next event in the rotation file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Event Commands (available in an Event) --------------------------------------------- /events Display a dialog with general information about the Events available /he Display the Event help dialog to the player /eventhelp Display the Event help dialog to the player /helpevent Display the Event help dialog to the player /er Display the Event rules dialog to the player /eventrules Display the Event rules dialog to the player /pe Displays a list of the current players in the Event /pie Displays a list of the current players in the Event /playersinevent Displays a list of the current players in the Event /rev Allow a player to respawn in the Event /respawnevent Allow a player to respawn in the Event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Radio Commands --------------------- /playradio Allows a player to listen to their favorite radio /myradio Allows a player to set their favorite radio /rad Allows a player to set their favorite radio /stopradio Allows a player to stop their radio /radiooff Allows a player to stop their radio /setmyradio1 Allows a player to set their own radio link (saved in the database) /radio Allows a player to view GamerX Radio System Help ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit Sound and Hit Text Draw Commands ------------------------------------ /ths Allows a player to adjust their hit sound and hit damage text draw settings /togglehitsound Allows a player to adjust their hit sound and hit damage text draw settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Play Sound Command ------------------------ /playsound Allows an admin to play a sound for all players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlock Command -------------- /unlock Unlocks the doors on the players current vehicle (if any) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Fake Pickup Commands -------------------------- /cfp Allows an admin to create a fake pickup /createfakepickup Allows an admin to create a fake pickup /dlfp Allows an admin to delete the last fake pickup created /deletelastfakepickup Allows an admin to delete the last fake pickup created /dafp Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups /deleteallfakepickup Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups /deleteallfakepickups Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups /damfp Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups they created /deleteallmyfakepickup Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups they created /deleteallmyfakepickups Allows an admin to delete all of the fake pickups they created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc ---- /beer Allows the player to drink a beer /wine Allows the player to drink some wine /sprunk Allows the player to drink a sprunk /ciggy Allows the player to smoke a ciggy /cigar Allows the player to smoke a ciggy /fart Allows the player to display "*** farts!!! :-D" /care Allows the player to display "*** says care? ^^" /lol Allows the player to display "*** says LOL!" /lmao Allows the player to display "*** laughs his arse off!" /lmao2 Allows the player to display "*** laughs her arse off!" /rofl Allows the player to display "*** rolls on the floor laughing!" /cough Allows the player to display "*** coughs." /acthelp Allows the player to display the GamerX Actions Help /actionshelp Allows the player to display the GamerX Actions Help /cb Allows the player to display a chat bubble message above their head to players who are near (in white) /chatbubble Allows the player to display a chat bubble message above their head to players who are near (in white) /admins Displays the list of current online Admins /me Allows the player to display a special message in the chat area (in pink) /me2 Allows the player to display a special message in the chat area (in yellow) /me3 Allows an admin to display a special message in the chat area (in lime green) /report Allows the player to report another player for cheating, flaming, etc /k Kills the player /kill Kills the player /spc Allows the player to set their private chat target player /setpc Allows the player to set their private chat target player /setprivatechat Allows the player to set their private chat target player /fixcam Allows the player to fix their camera (puts it back behind them) /fixcamera Allows the player to fix their camera (puts it back behind them) /dance Allows the player to choose their dancing style (uses a listbox dialog) /handsup Allows the player to put their hands up (when they exit they are unfrozen) /megadrunk Allows the player to set their drunk level to maximum (if they are on foot the drunk animation is applied too) /sober Allows the player to set their drunk level to 0 (not drunk) /tps Diplays a list of the Trusted Players currently online /tpslist Diplays a list of the Trusted Players currently online /tplist Diplays a list of the Trusted Players currently online /listtp Diplays a list of the Trusted Players currently online /listtps Diplays a list of the Trusted Players currently online ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Countdown Related Commands -------------------------- /cd Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to start a countdown (only admins can choose to freeze all players) /countdown Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to start a countdown (only admins can choose to freeze all players) /dcd Allows an Admin to disable the /countdown 20m radius command for the specified registered player /disablecountdown Allows an Admin to disable the /countdown 20m radius command for the specified registered player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Announce Commands ----------------------- /ar Allows an admin to announce some text using game text to players within the specified distance /announceradius Allows an admin to announce some text using game text to players within the specified distance /a Allows an admin to announce some text using game text /announce Allows an admin to announce some text using game text /a2 Allows an admin to announce some text in the chat area /announce2 Allows an admin to announce some text in the chat area /a3 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw /announce3 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw /a4 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw and the pricedown gta font (50 chars max) /announce4 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw and the pricedown gta font (50 chars max) /a5 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw (100 chars max) /announce5 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw (100 chars max) /a6 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw /announce6 Allows an admin to announce some text using a Text Draw /ha Allows an admin to announce some text using the Help and Tips Text Draw /helpannounce Allows an admin to announce some text using the Help and Tips Text Draw /rc Allows an admin to display the Report Cheaters text in the chat area /lh Allows an admin to display the Login Help text in the chat area /rhe Allows an admin to display the Register Help text in the chat area /tt Allows an admin to display the Type Teles text in the chat area /tm Allows an admin to display the Type Minigames Cheaters text in the chat area /tf Allows an admin to display the Type Fix text in the chat area /tn Allows an admin to display the Type NRG text in the chat area /tc Allows an admin to display the Type Car text in the chat area /tco Allows an admin to display the Type Commands text in the chat area /tto Allows an admin to display the Type Tour text in the chat area /tpc Allows an admin to display the Type Pimp Cars text in the chat area /tgasf Allows an admin to display the Type /gasf to teleport to SF Airport text in the chat area /su Allows an admin to display the Server Update text in the chat area /daa Allows an admin to display "Please don't ask to be an admin..." in the chat area /say Allows an admin to display a message in the chat area /tv Allows an admin to display "Type /vmhelp..." in the chat area /tpr Allows an admin to display "Type /propertyhelp..." in the chat area /lann Allows a player to view the text for the last announce shown /lastannounce Allows a player to view the text for the last announce shown /ndb Allows an admin to display the "Do not use drive-by in the red spawn zones" text in the chat area or to the specified player /nwb Allows an admin to display the "Do not use weapon bugs (eg C-Bug or 2 Shots) in the red spawn zones" text in the chat area or to the specified player /nsb Allows an admin to display the "Do not use speed boost to ram people in the red spawn zones" text in the chat area or to the specified player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Announce and Player Info Commands --------------------------------------- When used by an admin it displays information for all in chat When used by a player it displays information to the player only /irc Allows an admin to display the GamerX IRC info text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /showirc Allows an admin to display the GamerX IRC info text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /sirc Allows an admin to display the GamerX IRC info text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /tirc Allows an admin to display the GamerX IRC info text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /stpi Allows an admin to display the GamerX TP info in the chat area or if typed by a player shows them /tpinfo instead /ttpi Allows an admin to display the GamerX TP info in the chat area or if typed by a player shows them /tpinfo instead /showtpinfo Allows an admin to display the GamerX TP info in the chat area or if typed by a player shows them /tpinfo instead /img Allows an admin to display the GamerX Custom IMG file info in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /gximg Allows an admin to display the GamerX Custom IMG file info in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /www Allows an admin to display the GamerX Website text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /showwww Allows an admin to display the GamerX Website text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /swww Allows an admin to display the GamerX Website text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /twww Allows an admin to display the GamerX Website text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only /ts3 Allows an admin to display the Join our TeamSpeak 3 server text in the chat area or if typed by a player shows it to them only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Object Set Loaded/Unloaded Commands ----------------------------------------- /togglefunnel Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /funnel teleport command /toggleslide Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /slide teleport command /toggleboatdrop Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /boatdrop teleport command /togglewaterslide Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /waterslide teleport command /toggledinghydrop Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /dinghydrop teleport command /togglemod Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /masterofdisaster teleport command /togglealcatraz Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /alcatraz teleport command /togglegoingdown Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /goingdown teleport command /togglelooptunnel Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /looptunnel teleport command /toggledragcity Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /dragcity teleport command /togglestuntroad Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /stuntroad teleport command /toggleawesomedrop Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /awesomedrop teleport command /toggleprisonbreak Allows an admin to disable or enable the use of the /prisonbreak teleport command /disableallstunts Allows an admin to disable all of the /stunt teleports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Happy Hour Commands -------------------------- /thh Allows an admin to enable or disable happy hour (when enabled players can spawn Hydras, Hunters and Rhinos) /togglehappyhour Allows an admin to enable or disable happy hour (when enabled players can spawn Hydras, Hunters and Rhinos) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tank Spawn Command ------------------ Must be here to enable it to work in the Heavy Steel League Event /tank Spawns a Tank (Rhino) for the player if they are at the HSL Event, have tank spawning enabled or Happy Hour is enabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Duel System Commands --------------------------- /duel Allows a player to send a duel invitation to another player /ed Allows an admin to force the current duel to end /edu Allows an admin to force the current duel to end /endduel Allows an admin to force the current duel to end /id Allows a player to ignore or accept duel invitations /idu Allows a player to ignore or accept duel invitations /ignoreduel Allows a player to ignore or accept duel invitations /ignoreduels Allows a player to ignore or accept duel invitations /dul Allows a player to display the list of duels /duels Allows a player to display the list of duels /duelers Allows a player to display the list of duels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Pursuit System Commands ------------------------------ /pu Allows a player to send a pursuit invitation to an other player /pursuit Allows a player to send a pursuit invitation to an other player /epu Allows an admin to end a pursuit between 2 players /endpursuit Allows an admin to end a pursuit between 2 players /ip Allows a player to ignore all their pursuit invitations /ipu Allows a player to ignore all their pursuit invitations /ignorepursuit Allows a player to ignore all their pursuit invitations /ignorepursuits Allows a player to ignore all their pursuit invitations /pul Allows a player to display the list of pursuits /pursuits Allows a player to display the list of pursuits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Player Race Commands ----------------------------- /race Allows a player to send a race invitation to another player /endprace Allows an admin to end a player race /racelist Display a list of all players currently racing /ir Allows a player to ignore race invitations /ignorerace Allows a player to ignore race invitations /ignoreraces Allows a player to ignore race invitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Event System Player Command ---------------------------------- /event Allows the player to teleport to the event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spec System Commands -------------------- /sp Allows a player to spec another player /spec Allows a player to spec another player /specplayer Allows a player to spec another player /specoff Allows a player to exit from spec mode /ts Allows an admin to enable or disable the ability for players to spec them /togglespec Allows an admin to enable or disable the ability for players to spec them /fso Allows an admin to force a player to exit from spec mode /forcespecoff Allows an admin to force a player to exit from spec mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Command Dialog Commands ------------------------------ /c Displays the GamerX commands Main Menu dialog listbox /command Displays the GamerX commands Main Menu dialog listbox /commands Displays the GamerX commands Main Menu dialog listbox /commands1 Displays the GamerX commands list 1 dialog textbox /commands2 Displays the GamerX commands list 2 dialog textbox /commands3 Displays the GamerX commands list 3 dialog textbox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Color Commands -------------- Admin Color Commands... /yellow Allows an admin to set their color to yellow (the default admin color) Player Color Commands... /mauve Allows the player to set their color to mauve (saved to their user file when exit) /lime Allows the player to set their color to lime green (saved to their user file when exit) /aqua Allows the player to set their color to aqua (saved to their user file when exit) /lightpink Allows the player to set their color to light pink (saved to their user file when exit) /pink Allows the player to set their color to pink (saved to their user file when exit) /orange Allows the player to set their color to orange (saved to their user file when exit) /green Allows the player to set their color to green (saved to their user file when exit) /blue Allows the player to set their color to blue (saved to their user file when exit) /red Allows the player to set their color to red (saved to their user file when exit) /black Allows the player to set their color to black (saved to their user file when exit) /brown Allows the player to set their color to brown (saved to their user file when exit) /slate Allows the player to set their color to slate (saved to their user file when exit) /greentp Allows a TP or Admin to set their color to TP green (saved to their user file when exit) /tpgreen Allows a TP or Admin to set their color to TP green (saved to their user file when exit) /mycolor Displays the first list of custom colors /mycolour Displays the first list of custom colors /color Displays the first list of custom colors /colour Displays the first list of custom colors /colors Displays the first list of custom colors /colours Displays the first list of custom colors /colors1 Displays the first list of custom colors /colours1 Displays the first list of custom colors /colors2 Displays the second list of custom colors /colours2 Displays the second list of custom colors /resetmycolor Allows the player to reset their color to the default class color /resetmycolour Allows the player to reset their color to the default class color /resetcolor Allows the player to reset their color to the default class color /resetcolour Allows the player to reset their color to the default class color Player Team Color Commands... /teamred Allows the player to join Team Red /teamblue Allows the player to join Team Blue /teampink Allows the player to join Team Pink /teamlime Allows the player to join Team Lime /retire Allows the player to retire from their Team /teams Displays the list of available teams, their commands and colors /teamshelp Displays the list of available teams, their commands and colors /teamhelp Displays the list of available teams, their commands and colors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stunt Related Commands ---------------------- /stunt Displays the list of available Stunts and currently loaded object set stunt teleports /stunts Displays the list of available Stunts and currently loaded object set stunt teleports ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Spin Commands --------------------- /sspv Allows the player to set their spin value used when spin mode is selected for vehicle mode /sspb Allows the player to set their spin value used when spin mode is selected for vehicle mode /setspinvalue Allows the player to set their spin value used when spin mode is selected for vehicle mode /setspinboost Allows the player to set their spin value used when spin mode is selected for vehicle mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Jump Up Commands ------------------------ /sjb Allows the player to set their jump boost value used by the vehicle horn when in jump up mode /sjv Allows the player to set their jump boost value used by the vehicle horn when in jump up mode /setjumpboost Allows the player to set their jump boost value used by the vehicle horn when in jump up mode /setjumpvalue Allows the player to set their jump boost value used by the vehicle horn when in jump up mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Speed Boost Commands ---------------------------- /ssb Allows the player to set their speed boost value used by the vehicle horn when in speed boost mode /ssv Allows the player to set their speed boost value used by the vehicle horn when in speed boost mode /setspeedboost Allows the player to set their speed boost value used by the vehicle horn when in speed boost mode /setspeedvalue Allows the player to set their speed boost value used by the vehicle horn when in speed boost mode /dsb Allows an admin to disable speed boost for the specified player /disablespeedboost Allows an admin to disable speed boost for the specified player /dv Allows an admin to disable a vehicle mode for the specified player /disablevmode Allows an admin to disable a vehicle mode for the specified player /pt Allows a player to pop their tires or an admin to pop the specified players tires /poptires Allows a player to pop their tires or an admin to pop the specified players tires /pt2 Allows a player to pop their back tires or an admin to pop the specified players back tires /poptires2 Allows a player to pop their back tires or an admin to pop the specified players back tires ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Flip Commands --------------------- /f Allows the player to flip (and repair) their vehicle /flip Allows the player to flip (and repair) their vehicle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Action Commands --------------------- /bash Allows an admin to bash a player which takes off 30 units of health (bashing a lower or same level admin removes no health) /hammer Allows an admin to hammer a player which takes off 25 units of health (hammering a lower or same level admin removes no health) /drill Allows an admin to drill into a player which takes off 20 units of health (drilling a lower or same level admin removes no health) /whack Allows an admin to whack a player with a baseball bat which takes off 15 units of health (whacking a lower or same level admin removes no health) /punch Allows an admin to punch a player in the nuts which takes off 10 units of health (punching a lower or same level admin removes no health) /stab Allows an admin to stab a player with a rusty kife which takes off 10 units of health (stabbing a lower or same level admin removes no health) /slap Allows an admin to slap a player which takes off 5 units of health (slapping a lower or same level admin removes no health) /jab Allows an admin to jab a player which takes off 4 units of health (jabbing a lower or same level admin removes no health) /bite Allows an admin to bite a player which takes off 3 units of health (biting a lower or same level admin removes no health) /nudge Allows an admin to nudge a player which takes off 2 unit of health (nudging a lower or same level admin removes no health) /poke Allows an admin to poke a player which takes off 1 unit of health (poking a lower or same level admin removes no health) /poop Allows an admin to poop on a player which removes 50 units of health (pooping on a higher or same level admin adds no health) /pinch Allows an admin to pinch a player which removes 15 units of health (pinching a higher or same level admin adds no health) /photo Allows an admin to take a fake photo of a player (all players here the camera shutter noise) /beep Allows an admin to tell a player to get out of the way (plays a car horn sound and sends a gametext message to the player) /lick Allows an admin to lick a player which adds 10 units of health (licking a higher or same level admin adds no health) /hug Allows an admin to hug a player which adds 25 units of health (licking a higher or same level admin adds no health) /cga Allows an admin to give all players the specified item /customgiveall Allows an admin to give all players the specified item /cgp Allows an admin to give the specified player the specified item /customgiveplayer Allows an admin to give the specified player the specified item /cap Allows an admin to perform the specified action on the player specified /customactionplayer Allows an admin to perform the specified action on the player specified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Tour Commands -------------------- /tour Takes the player on a quick tour of GamerX /stoptour Stops the quick tour of GamerX (if running) /tourstop Stops the quick tour of GamerX (if running) /stop Stops the quick tour of GamerX (if running) /resettour Allows the player to reset the GamerX Tour status so it starts from the beginning again /tourreset Allows the player to reset the GamerX Tour status so it starts from the beginning again /tmt Allows the player to stop the GamerX Tour and go to the place they currently see /takemethere Allows the player to stop the GamerX Tour and go to the place they currently see /n Allows the player to skip to the next GamerX Tour slide (if running) /nexttour Allows the player to skip to the next GamerX Tour slide (if running) /tournext Allows the player to skip to the next GamerX Tour slide (if running) /next Allows the player to skip to the next GamerX Tour slide (if running) /p Allows the player to go back to the previous GamerX Tour slide (if running) /previoustour Allows the player to go back to the previous GamerX Tour slide (if running) /tourprevious Allows the player to go back to the previous GamerX Tour slide (if running) /previous Allows the player to go back to the previous GamerX Tour slide (if running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFK Commands ------------ /afkl Allows the player to view a list of AFK players /lafk Allows the player to view a list of AFK players /afklist Allows the player to view a list of AFK players /listafk Allows the player to view a list of AFK players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto AC Commands ---------------- /aacczpa Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Camera Z Pos Alerts /autoaccamzposalerts Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Camera Z Pos Alerts /aactzpa Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Tram Z Pos Alerts /autoactramzposalerts Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Tram Z Pos Alerts /aacfsa Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Flying Swim Alerts /autoacflyingswimalerts Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Flying Swim Alerts /aacmgk Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Minigun Kills /autoacminigunkills Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Minigun Kills /aacmgkm Allows an admin to toggle between kick and ban mode for the Auto AC for Minigun Kills /autoacminigunkillsmode Allows an admin to toggle between kick and ban mode for the Auto AC for Minigun Kills /aacma Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Money Alerts /autoacmoneyalerts Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC for Money Alerts /aacmam Allows an admin to toggle between kick and ban mode for the Auto AC for Money Alerts /autoacmoneyalertsmode Allows an admin to toggle between kick and ban mode for the Auto AC for Money Alerts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- State Interval Check Commands ----------------------------- /tsic Allows an admin to enable or disable the State Interval Check /togglestateintervalcheck Allows an admin to enable or disable the State Interval Check /safsc Allows an admin to set the maximum number of allowed fast state changes for the State Interval Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Interval Check Commands ----------------------------- /tdic Allows an admin to enable or disable the Death Interval Check /toggledeathintervalcheck Allows an admin to enable or disable the Death Interval Check ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Passenger Drive-By Commands -------------------------------- Currently only prevent passenger drive by on motorcycles /tapdb Allows an admin to enable or disable the Anti-Passenger Drive-By code for motorcycles /toggleantipassengerdb Allows an admin to enable or disable the Anti-Passenger Drive-By code for motorcycles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anti Spawn Kill Commands ------------------------ /task Allows an admin to enable or disable the Anti Spawn Kill Protection /toggleantispawnkill Allows an admin to enable or disable the Anti Spawn Kill Protection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto AC AI Commands ------------------- /aacaimgk Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC AI for Minigun Kills (checks for minigun on kill) /autoacaiminigunkills Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC AI for Minigun Kills (checks for minigun on kill) /autoacaihsr Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC AI for HSR /aacaihealth Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC AI for Health /aacaimgammo Allows an admin to enable or disable the Auto AC AI for Minigun + 198 Ammo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin RCON Commands ------------------- /src Allows a high level admin to send the specified RCON command to the server console while ingame without logging in as RCON admin /sendrconcommand Allows a high level admin to send the specified RCON command to the server console while ingame without logging in as RCON admin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin MySQL Commands -------------------- /mss Allows a high level admin to execute the specified MySQL SELECT command and view the results (if any) /mysqlselect Allows a high level admin to execute the specified MySQL SELECT command and view the results (if any) /msu Allows a high level admin to execute the specified MySQL UPDATE command and view the number of rows affected /mysqlupdate Allows a high level admin to execute the specified MySQL UPDATE command and view the number of rows affected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Manhunt Commands ----------------------- /mhm Allows a player to start a new Manhunt on themself (if there is not one currently active) worth $1 million at the cost of one cookie /manhuntme Allows a player to start a new Manhunt on themself (if there is not one currently active) worth $1 million at the cost of one cookie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Manhunt Commands ---------------------- /mh Allows an admin to start a new Manhunt (if there is not one currently active) for the specified amount /manhunt Allows an admin to start a new Manhunt (if there is not one currently active) for the specified amount /smh Allows the player to view the name and id of the player who is currently being manhunted /showmanhunt Allows the player to view the name and id of the player who is currently being manhunted /mhs Allows an admin to stop the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /stopmh Allows an admin to stop the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /stopmanhunt Allows an admin to stop the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /manhuntstop Allows an admin to stop the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /mha Allows an admin to set a new cash reward amount for the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /mhamount Allows an admin to set a new cash reward amount for the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) /manhuntamount Allows an admin to set a new cash reward amount for the current Manhunt (if there is one currently active) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jetpack Commands ---------------- /jp Gives a jetpack to self or another player /jetpack Gives a jetpack to self or another player /jpr Gives a jetpack to all non-admin players within the specified radius of the admins current location /jetpackradius Gives a jetpack to all non-admin players within the specified radius of the admins current location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX XMAS Mode Commands ------------------------- /togglexmasmode Allows an admin to enable or disable GamerX XMAS Mode /gift Allows a player (or admin) to get their XMAS gift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc Player Commands -------------------- /cls Clears the text in the players chat text area /whatsnew Displays a message to visit the news thread on the GamerX Forum to view what is new with this version /whatisnew Displays a message to visit the news thread on the GamerX Forum to view what is new with this version /ochelp Displays the Object Control Help dialog for the player (which lists the keys and what they do) /givecash Allows a player to give the specified amount of cash to another player /healme Allows a player to set their health to 100 for $5000 (for admins it is free) /alt Allows the player to view their current altitude (height from the ground) /altitude Allows the player to view their current altitude (height from the ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bank Commands ------------- /bank Allows a player to put the specified amount of cash in the GamerX Bank (which saves to their user file) /deposit Allows a player to put the specified amount of cash in the GamerX Bank (which saves to their user file) /withdraw Allows a player to take the specified amount of cash out of the GamerX Bank (which saves to their user file) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bounty/Hitman/Contract Commands ------------------------------- /bounty Allows the player to put a bounty/hit/contract on a player /hit Allows the player to put a bounty/hit/contract on a player /hitman Allows the player to put a bounty/hit/contract on a player /contract Allows the player to put a bounty/hit/contract on a player /paybounty Allows the player to pay off a bounty/hit/contract on a player /payhit Allows the player to pay off a bounty/hit/contract on a player /paycontract Allows the player to pay off a bounty/hit/contract on a player /bounties Allows the player to view the list of current bounties/hits/contracts players /hits Allows the player to view the list of current bounties/hits/contracts players /contracts Allows the player to view the list of current bounties/hits/contracts players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Godmode Commands ---------------- /gm Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable godmode /god Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable godmode /godmode Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable godmode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explosion Commands ------------------ /ep Allows an admin to explode the specified player (using the settings they chose with the /se command) /explodeplayer Allows an admin to explode the specified player (using the settings they chose with the /se command) /ve Allows an admin to enable or disable explosions for their vehicle (when the fire key/button is pressed) /vehicleexplosions Allows an admin to enable or disable explosions for their vehicle (when the fire key/button is pressed) /se Allows an admin to set their explosion settings (explosion type and radius - used for /ce, /ep, /ve etc) /setexplosion Allows an admin to set their explosion settings (explosion type and radius - used for /ce, /ep, /ve etc) /setexplosions Allows an admin to set their explosion settings (explosion type and radius - used for /ce, /ep, /ve etc) /burn Allows an admin to burn the specified player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignore PM Commands ------------------ /ipm Allows the player to ignore PMs sent from the specified player /ignorepm Allows the player to ignore PMs sent from the specified player /iapms Allows the player to ignore all PMs sent by all players /ignoreallpm Allows the player to ignore all PMs sent by all players /ignoreallpms Allows the player to ignore all PMs sent by all players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc Admin Commands ------------------- /end Allows an admin to force the gamemode to exit /wmi Displays the players current location (outputs to IRC in values with 4 decimal places) /wmi2 Displays the players current location (outputs to IRC in values with 2 decimal places) /notify Allows an admin to set their command notify level (ie which command usage is displayed to the admin) /lockserver Allows an admin to lock the server preventing all new players from joining until the server is restarted /unlockserver Allows an admin to unlock the server allowing new players to join again /adminhelp Displays the GamerX Admin Help if the player is an admin /adminshelp Displays the GamerX Admin Help if the player is an admin /invisible Allows an admin to set their color to invisible so they don't appear on the radar /visible Allows an admin to restore their color so they appear on the radar again /tnt Allows an Admin to enable or disable their name tag and health bars above their head /togglenametag Allows an Admin to enable or disable their name tag and health bars above their head /setlevel Allows an admin to set a permanent admin level for a player (or set level 1 (regged) or level 2 (TP) - non admin) /st Allows an admin to set the SAMP World Time for all players who did not toggle /mydaymode /settime Allows an admin to set the SAMP World Time for all players who did not toggle /mydaymode /mpms Allows an admin to enable or disable monitoring of PMs sent by players to other players /monitorpms Allows an admin to enable or disable monitoring of PMs sent by players to other players /mcc Allows an admin to enable or disable monitoring of clan chat messages /monitorclanchat Allows an admin to enable or disable monitoring of clan chat messages /smotdt Allows an admin to set the lime green MOTD text line to the message they specify /setmotd Allows an admin to set the lime green MOTD text line to the message they specify /setmotdt Allows an admin to set the lime green MOTD text line to the message they specify /setmotdtext Allows an admin to set the lime green MOTD text line to the message they specify /ggp Allows an admin to give a Desert Eagle, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9 and M4 with 2 ammo to the target player (to check for ammo or no-reload cheaters) /givegunsplayer Allows an admin to give a Desert Eagle, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9 and M4 with 2 ammo to the target player (to check for ammo or no-reload cheaters) /ggu Allows an admin to give the specified gun and ammo amount to the specified player /givegun Allows an admin to give the specified gun and ammo amount to the specified player /daymode Allows an admin to enable or disable day mode for all players /ssw Allows an admin to set the specified players extra spawn weapon /setspawnweapon Allows an admin to set the specified players extra spawn weapon /weather Allows an admin to set the SAMP World Weather for all players /setweather Allows an admin to set the SAMP World Weather for all players /tbem Allows an admin to enable or disable the ban evasion message displayed to all players when a ban evader joins the server /togglebanevademessages Allows an admin to enable or disable the ban evasion message displayed to all players when a ban evader joins the server /togglebanevasionmessages Allows an admin to enable or disable the ban evasion message displayed to all players when a ban evader joins the server /tas Allows an admin to enable or disable Auto-Save every 2 mins for regged players /toggleautosave Allows an admin to enable or disable Auto-Save every 2 mins for regged players /fga Allows an admin to force the specified player to teleport to /ga (SF Airport) /forcega Allows an admin to force the specified player to teleport to /ga (SF Airport) /np Allows an admin to find the nearest player (excluding NPCs and other admins) /nearestplayer Allows an admin to find the nearest player (excluding NPCs and other admins) /fdapo Allows an admin to delete all of the specified players player objects /forcedapo Allows an admin to delete all of the specified players player objects /setkillingspree Allows an admin to set the killing spree of a player /sks Allows an admin to set the killing spree of a player /setraceswon Allows an admin to set the races won of a player /srw Allows an admin to set the races won of a player /seteventpoints Allows an admin to set the event points for a player /sep Allows an admin to set the event points for a player /settimespentingame Allows an admin to set the total time spent in game of a player /stsig Allows an admin to set the total time spent in game of a player /setgoosfound Allows an admin to set the goos found of a player /sgf Allows an admin to set the goos found of a player /forcerules Allows an admin to show the rules to a player /fru Allows an admin to show the rules to a player /lastreports Allows an admin to display the 10 last reports /lar Allows an admin to display the 10 last reports /clear Allows an admin to clear the chat /sduw Allows an admin to set the total duels won to a player /setduelswon Allows an admin to set the total duels won to a player /sdul Allows an admin to set the total duels lost to a player /setduelslost Allows an admin to set the total duels lost to a player /spuw Allows an admin to set the total pursuits won to a player /setpursuitswon Allows an admin to set the total pursuits won to a player /kab Allows an admin to view a dialog displaying details for the most recent kicks and bans /kicksandbans Allows an admin to view a dialog displaying details for the most recent kicks and bans /thm Allows an admin to enable or disable a players ability to use the /healme command /togglehealme Allows an admin to enable or disable a players ability to use the /healme command ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spoof Commands -------------- /slc Allows an admin to display a spoofed (fake) Lost connection to the sever message to the specified player /spooflostconnection Allows an admin to display a spoofed (fake) Lost connection to the sever message to the specified player /sme Allows an admin to display a spoofed (fake) /me message /spoofme Allows an admin to display a spoofed (fake) /me message ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set Score, Deaths, Cookies. etc Admin Commands ---------------------------------------------- /sets Allows an admin to set the specified players score to the specified value /setsc Allows an admin to set the specified players score to the specified value /setscore Allows an admin to set the specified players score to the specified value /setd Allows an admin to set the specified players death count to the specified value /setdeath Allows an admin to set the specified players death count to the specified value /setdeaths Allows an admin to set the specified players death count to the specified value /setak Allows an admin to set the specified players admin kills count to the specified value /setadminkill Allows an admin to set the specified players admin kills count to the specified value /setadminkills Allows an admin to set the specified players admin kills count to the specified value /setc Allows an admin to set the specified players cookie count to the specified value /setcookie Allows an admin to set the specified players cookie count to the specified value /setcookies Allows an admin to set the specified players cookie count to the specified value /setca Allows an admin to set the specified players cake count to the specified value /setcake Allows an admin to set the specified players cake count to the specified value /setcakes Allows an admin to set the specified players cake count to the specified value /setb Allows an admin to set the specified players biscuit count to the specified value /setbiscuit Allows an admin to set the specified players biscuit count to the specified value /setbiscuits Allows an admin to set the specified players biscuit count to the specified value /seti Allows an admin to set the specified players icecream count to the specified value /seticecream Allows an admin to set the specified players icecream count to the specified value /seticecreams Allows an admin to set the specified players icecream count to the specified value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set Money Admin Commands ------------------------ /setm Allows an admin to set the specified players money amount to the specified value /setmoney Allows an admin to set the specified players money amount to the specified value /setcash Allows an admin to set the specified players money amount to the specified value /setbm Allows an admin to set the specified players banked money amount to the specified value /setbankedmoney Allows an admin to set the specified players banked money amount to the specified value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie Commands --------------- /cookie Allows an admin to give a player a cookie /givecookie Allows a player to give the specified number of their cookies to another player (if they have enough cookies) /rocket Allows a player to get a rocket launcher with 5 rockets which costs 1 cookie /chelp Allows the player to view the cookie help and commands /cookiehelp Allows the player to view the cookie help and commands /sc Allows the player to view the spend cookies dialog and choose and extra spawn weapon /spendcookie Allows the player to view the spend cookies dialog and choose and extra spawn weapon /spendcookies Allows the player to view the spend cookies dialog and choose and extra spawn weapon /cr Allows an admin to give a cookie to all players within the specified distance of them /cookieradius Allows an admin to give a cookie to all players within the specified distance of them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cake Commands ------------- /cake Allows an admin to give a player a cake /givecake Allows a player to give the specified number of their cakes to another player (if they have enough cakes) /sniper Allows a player to get a sniper rifle with 20 bullets which costs 1 cake /cakr Allows an admin to give a cake to all players within the specified distance of them /caker Allows an admin to give a cake to all players within the specified distance of them /cakeradius Allows an admin to give a cake to all players within the specified distance of them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biscuit Commands ---------------- /biscuit Allows an admin to give a player a biscuit /givebiscuit Allows a player to give the specified number of their biscuits to another player (if they have enough biscuits) /flamer Allows a player to get a flame thrower with 40 ammo which costs 1 biscuit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Icecream Commands ----------------- /icecream Allows an admin to give a player an icecream /giveicecream Allows a player to give the specified number of their icecreams to another player (if they have enough icecreams) /grenade Allows a player to get 10 grenades which costs 1 icecream /grenades Allows a player to get 10 grenades which costs 1 icecream ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred Spawn Point Commands ------------------------------ /ssp Allows a TP or Admin to set their preferred spawn location /setspawnpoint Allows a TP or Admin to set their preferred spawn location /ssl Allows a TP or Admin to set their preferred spawn location /setspawnlocation Allows a TP or Admin to set their preferred spawn location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark and Goto Mark Commands --------------------------- /sma Allows a TP or Admin to save their current position for use with the /gotomark command /setmark Allows a TP or Admin to save their current position for use with the /gotomark command /mark Allows a TP or Admin to goto their previously saved /setmark position /gotomark Allows a TP or Admin to goto their previously saved /setmark position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report Commands --------------- /trt Toggles the Report TextDraw on or off (the text box in the bottom right corner of the screen) /togglereporttext Toggles the Report TextDraw on or off (the text box in the bottom right corner of the screen) /togglereportstext Toggles the Report TextDraw on or off (the text box in the bottom right corner of the screen) /togglereportstextdraw Toggles the Report TextDraw on or off (the text box in the bottom right corner of the screen) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Footer Commands --------------- /tfo Allows a player to toggle the footer text on or off /tft Allows a player to toggle the footer text on or off /togglefooter Allows a player to toggle the footer text on or off /togglefootertext Allows a player to toggle the footer text on or off ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help and Tips Commands ---------------------- /thtt Allows a player to toggle the help and tips text on or off /togglehelpandtips Allows a player to toggle the help and tips text on or off /togglehelpandtipstext Allows a player to toggle the help and tips text on or off ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Save All Players Stats Commands ------------------------------------- /saps Allows an admin to save all registered players stats to the database (GX v4) immediately /saveallplayerstats Allows an admin to save all registered players stats to the database (GX v4) immediately /saveallplayersstats Allows an admin to save all registered players stats to the database (GX v4) immediately ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Weapon Commands --------------------- /da Allows an admin to disarm the specified player which removes all of their weapons /dis Allows an admin to disarm the specified player which removes all of their weapons /disarm Allows an admin to disarm the specified player which removes all of their weapons /dir Allows an admin to disarm all non-admin players within the specified radius of their location /disarmradius Allows an admin to disarm all non-admin players within the specified radius of their location /nr Allows an admin to remove the rocket launchers from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding the rocket launcher) /norockets Allows an admin to remove the rocket launchers from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding the rocket launcher) /ng Allows an admin to remove the grenades from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding a grenade) /nogrenades Allows an admin to remove the grenades from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding a grenade) /nsa Allows an admin to remove the satchels from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding a satchel) /nosatchels Allows an admin to remove the satchels from all players within 100m (only if the player is currently holding a satchel) /ggr Allows an admin to give the specified weapon to all players within a specified radius /ggur Allows an admin to give the specified weapon to all players within a specified radius /ggradius Allows an admin to give the specified weapon to all players within a specified radius /givegunradius Allows an admin to give the specified weapon to all players within a specified radius /par Allows an admin to give a parachute to all players within a specified radius /pararadius Allows an admin to give a parachute to all players within a specified radius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Health and Armour Commands -------------------------------- /sh Allows an admin to set the specified players health to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /seth Allows an admin to set the specified players health to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /sethealth Allows an admin to set the specified players health to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /sa Allows an admin to set the specified players armour to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /seta Allows an admin to set the specified players armour to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /setarmor Allows an admin to set the specified players armour to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /setarmour Allows an admin to set the specified players armour to the specified level (up to 250 - 100 is normal) /ak Allows an admin to kill the specified player by setting their health to 0 /akill Allows an admin to kill the specified player by setting their health to 0 /sch Allows an admin to set the specified player's car health /svh Allows an admin to set the specified player's car health /setcarhealth Allows an admin to set the specified player's car health /setvehiclehealth Allows an admin to set the specified player's car health ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Freeze and Unfreeze Commands ---------------------------------- /uf Allows an admin to unfreeze the specified player (which returns control to them) /unf Allows an admin to unfreeze the specified player (which returns control to them) /unfr Allows an admin to unfreeze the specified player (which returns control to them) /unfreeze Allows an admin to unfreeze the specified player (which returns control to them) /fr Allows an admin to freeze the specified player (which prevents them from moving unless they are using cheats) /freeze Allows an admin to freeze the specified player (which prevents them from moving unless they are using cheats) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Mute and Unmute Commands ------------------------------ /mu Allows an admin to mute the specified player so they cannot use chat until they rejoin or are unmuted /mute Allows an admin to mute the specified player so they cannot use chat until they rejoin or are unmuted /unmute Allows an admin to unmute the specified player who has previously muted /mul Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to view the list of currently muted players /mlist Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to view the list of currently muted players /mutelist Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to view the list of currently muted players /mutedlist Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to view the list of currently muted players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Kick, Ban and Unban Account Commands ------------------------------------------ /ban Allows an admin to ban the specified player from the server using Peters Ban Plugin (if registered their account is also marked as banned) /kick Allows an admin to kick the specified player from the server (also displays the reason why they were kicked as entered by the admin) /kickall Allows an admin to kick all players from the server who are below admin level 7 (also displays a server update message) /kickafk Allows an admin to kick all AFK players from the server (who are not admins) /uba Allows an admin to unban the specified players account (if it is registered and if it was banned) /unbanaccount Allows an admin to unban the specified players account (if it is registered and if it was banned) /rb Displays a message saying this command is not used anymore /rbs Displays a message saying this command is not used anymore /reloadbans Displays a message saying this command is not used anymore /ubl Allows an admin to unban the last IP address (player) /unbanlast Allows an admin to unban the last IP address (player) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Weapon Commands ---------------------- /parachute Allows the player to give themself a free parachute (if not in a vehicle) /para Allows the player to give themself a free parachute (if not in a vehicle) /knife Allows the player to give themself a free knife (if not in a vehicle) /flowers Allows the player to give themself some free flowers (if not in a vehicle) /spray Allows the player to give themself a spray can (if not in a vehicle) /bat Allows the player to give themself a baseball bat (if not in a vehicle) /club Allows the player to give themself a golf club (if not in a vehicle) /stick Allows the player to give themself a nite stick (if not in a vehicle) /cue Allows the player to give themself a pool cue stick (if not in a vehicle) /dildo Allows the player to give themself a big purple dildo (if not in a vehicle) /katana Allows the player to give themself a katana (if not in a vehicle) /camera Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to give themself a camera (if not in a vehicle) /shovel Allows the player to give themself a Shovel (if not in a vehicle) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Weapon Commands --------------------- /minigun Allows an admin to give themself a Minigun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Skills Commands ---------------------- /wes Allows a player to set their weapon skill level using a listbox dialog /weaponskills Allows a player to set their weapon skill level using a listbox dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin "Give All" Commands ------------------------- /minigunall Allows an admin to give a minigun to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /flamerall Allows an admin to give a flame thrower to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /sniperall Allows an admin to give a sniper rifle to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /paraall Allows an admin to give a parachute to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /grenadeall Allows an admin to give a grenade to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /molotovall Allows an admin to give a molotov to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /batall Allows an admin to give a bat to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /cueall Allows an admin to give a cue to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /dildoall Allows an admin to give a dildo to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /shovelall Allows an admin to give a shovel to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /knifeall Allows an admin to give a knife to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /caneall Allows an admin to give a cane to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /sprayall Allows an admin to give a spray can to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /rocketall Allows an admin to give a rocket luncher to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /cluball Allows an admin to give a golf club to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /stickall Allows an admin to give a nite stick to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /katanaall Allows an admin to give a katana to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /flowersall Allows an admin to give some flowers to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /deagleall Allows an admin to give a desert eagle to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /fireall Allows an admin to give a fire extinguisher to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /combatall Allows an admin to give a combat shotgun to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /teargasall Allows an admin to give some tear gas to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /ak47all Allows an admin to give an AK-47 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /satchelall Allows an admin to give some satchels to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /satchellall Allows an admin to give some satchels to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /rifleall Allows an admin to give a Country Rifle to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /tec9all Allows an admin to give a Tec9 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /coltall Allows an admin to give a Colt45 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /colt45all Allows an admin to give a Colt45 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /m4all Allows an admin to give a M4 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /mp5all Allows an admin to give a MP5 to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /chainsawall Allows an admin to give a Chainsaw to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /pistolall Allows an admin to give a Silenced Pistol to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /silencedall Allows an admin to give a Silenced Pistol to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /silencedpistolall Allows an admin to give a Silenced Pistol to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) /uziall Allows an admin to give an Uzi (Mac 10) to all players (who are not currently at a minigame) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Cookie, Cake, etc "Give All" Commands ------------------------------------------- /coa Allows an admin to give a cookie to all players /cookieall Allows an admin to give a cookie to all players /caa Allows an admin to give a cake to all players /cakeall Allows an admin to give a cake to all players /ba Allows an admin to give a biscuit to all players /biscuitall Allows an admin to give a biscuit to all players /ia Allows an admin to give an icecream to all players /ica Allows an admin to give an icecream to all players /icecreamall Allows an admin to give an icecream to all players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Health and Armour "Give All" Commands -------------------------------------- /healall Allows an admin to set all players health to 100 (who are not currently at a minigame) /hr Allows an admin to set all players health to 100 who are within the radius supplied (and not currently at a minigame) /healradius Allows an admin to set all players health to 100 who are within the radius supplied (and not currently at a minigame) /armorall Allows an admin to set all players armour to 100 (who are not currently at a minigame) /armourall Allows an admin to set all players armour to 100 (who are not currently at a minigame) /ara Allows an admin to set all players armour to 100 who are within the radius supplied (and not currently at a minigame) /armorradius Allows an admin to set all players armour to 100 who are within the radius supplied (and not currently at a minigame) /armourradius Allows an admin to set all players armour to 100 who are within the radius supplied (and not currently at a minigame) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Money "Give All" Commands ------------------------------- /cal Allows an admin to give $10,000 cash to all players /cashall Allows an admin to give $10,000 cash to all players /cal2 Allows an admin to give $100,000 cash to all players /cashall2 Allows an admin to give $100,000 cash to all players /cal3 Allows an admin to give $1,000,000 cash to all players /cashall3 Allows an admin to give $1,000,000 cash to all players /ccal Allows an admin to give $X cash to all players (a custom amount) /customcashall Allows an admin to give $X cash to all players (a custom amount) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera System Admin Commands ---------------------------- /cam Allows an admin to use the camera system to watch different areas /exit Allows an admin to use exit from the camera system (if they are currently using it) /nc Allows an admin to go forward to the next camera when using the camera system /nextcam Allows an admin to go forward to the next camera when using the camera system /prc Allows an admin to go back to the previous camera when using the camera system /prevcam Allows an admin to go back to the previous camera when using the camera system /previouscam Allows an admin to go back to the previous camera when using the camera system /wms Allows an admin to watch the Medic Spawn using a camera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object and Camera Movement Amount Commands ------------------------------------------ /soma Allows an admin to set their object move amount /setobjectmoveamount Allows an admin to set their object move amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D Text Label Commands ---------------------- /ts3dl Allows an admin to toggle on or off the spec 3D text labels /togglespec3dlabels Allows an admin to toggle on or off the spec 3D text labels /ta3dl Allows an admin to toggle on or off all 3D text labels /toggleall3dlabels Allows an admin to toggle on or off all 3D text labels /sml Allows an admin to set the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /s3dlt Allows an admin to set the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /setmylabel Allows an admin to set the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /ml Allows an admin to view the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /mylabel Allows an admin to view the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /set3dlabeltext Allows an admin to set the text displayed on their 3D Text Label (normally Admin Level X) /t3dl Allows an admin to toggle on or off the displaying of their 3D Text Label /toggle3dlabel Allows an admin to toggle on or off the displaying of their 3D Text Label /spl Allows an admin to set the text displayed on the target players 3D Text Label (in white) /setplayerlabel Allows an admin to set the text displayed on the target players 3D Text Label (in white) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NPC Commands ------------ /cnpcs Allows an admin to connect the GamerX NPCs (eg /party dance bots) /connectnpcs Allows an admin to connect the GamerX NPCs (eg /party dance bots) /dnpcs Allows an admin to disconnect the GamerX NPCs (eg /party dance bots) /disconnectnpcs Allows an admin to disconnect the GamerX NPCs (eg /party dance bots) /npcho Allows an admin to enable or disable the GamerX NPCs Holding Objects (Xmas Tree on the LV Tram Driver) /npcholdingobjects Allows an admin to enable or disable the GamerX NPCs Holding Objects (Xmas Tree on the LV Tram Driver) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin MegaJump Commands ----------------------- /jump Allows an admin to set their megajump boost value used by the jump key when on-foot /smjv Allows an admin to set their megajump boost value used by the jump key when on-foot /setmegajumpvalue Allows an admin to set their megajump boost value used by the jump key when on-foot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Vehicle Commands ------------------------ /v1 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 1 for the player /v2 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 2 for the player /v3 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 3 for the player /v4 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 4 for the player /v5 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 5 for the player /v6 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 6 for the player /v7 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 7 for the player /v8 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 8 for the player /v9 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 9 for the player /v10 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 10 for the player (Public Utility) /v11 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 11 for the player (Forum Requested Vehicles) /v12 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 12 for the player (Extra Vehicles) /v13 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 13 for the player (Forum Requested Vehicles 2) /v14 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 14 for the player (Forum Requested Vehicles 3) /v15 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 15 for the player (Forum Requested Vehicles 4) /v16 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 16 for the player (More Vehicles) /v17 Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog 17 for the player (More Vehicles) /happyhourvehicles Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog for Happy Hour vehicles /hhv Displays (dynamic) Vehicle dialog for Happy Hour vehicles /hhh Displays information about Happy Hour to the player in a dialog box /happyhourinfo Displays information about Happy Hour to the player in a dialog box /happyhourhelp Displays information about Happy Hour to the player in a dialog box /cc Allows the player to call their (dynamic) vehicle to their current position /callcar Allows the player to call their (dynamic) vehicle to their current position /vi Displays the current vehicle information (ie total models active etc) /dmv Allows a player to destroy (de-spawn) their spawned (dynamic) vehicle (if any) /destroymyvehicle Allows a player to destroy (de-spawn) their spawned (dynamic) vehicle (if any) /dpv Allows an admin to destroy the vehicle driven by the target player (if any) /destroyplayervehicle Allows an admin to destroy the vehicle driven by the target player (if any) /dnv Allows an admin to destroy the nearest vehicle (if any) /destroynearestvehicle Allows an admin to destroy the nearest vehicle (if any) /dpt Allows an admin to destroy the trailer spawned by the target player (if any) /destroyplayertrailer Allows an admin to destroy the trailer spawned by the target player (if any) /car Spawns an Infernus car for the player and puts them in it (previously this command teleported the player to the vehicle area) /nrg Spawns a NRG-500 Motorcycle for the player and puts them in it (previously this command teleported the player to the vehicle area) /turismo Spawns a Turismo car for the player and puts them in it /elegy Spawns an Elegy pimpable car for the player and puts them in it /jester Spawns an Jester pimpable car for the player and puts them in it /slamvan Spawns an Slamvan pimpable car for the player and puts them in it /danv Allows an admin to destroy all of the vehicles spawned by players within Xm of them (if any) /destroyallnearestvehicles Allows an admin to destroy all of the vehicles spawned by players within Xm of them (if any) /dt Spawns a Dump Truck for the player and puts them in it /dumper Spawns a Dump Truck for the player and puts them in it /dumptruck Spawns a Dump Truck for the player and puts them in it /danp Allows an admin to destroy all of the big planes spawned by players within Xm of them (if any) /danbp Allows an admin to destroy all of the big planes spawned by players within Xm of them (if any) /destroyallnearestbigplanes Allows an admin to destroy all of the big planes spawned by players within Xm of them (if any) /v Spawns a vehicle by supplying a name or partial name... if no name is supplied then the vehicles dialog is displayed /vehicle Spawns a vehicle by supplying a name or partial name... if no name is supplied then the vehicles dialog is displayed /vehicles Spawns a vehicle by supplying a name or partial name... if no name is supplied then the vehicles dialog is displayed /galado Spawns a Lamborghini Gallardo for the player and puts them in it (they need the GX Custom IMG File) /galardo Spawns a Lamborghini Gallardo for the player and puts them in it (they need the GX Custom IMG File) /gallado Spawns a Lamborghini Gallardo for the player and puts them in it (they need the GX Custom IMG File) /gallardo Spawns a Lamborghini Gallardo for the player and puts them in it (they need the GX Custom IMG File) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Trailer Commands ------------------------ /trailer Displays the spawn trailer dialog listbox /ct Allows the player to call their trailer to them (if they have one) /calltrailer Allows the player to call their trailer to them (if they have one) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Spawn Ability Commands ------------------------------ /togglehydra Allows an admin to grant or remove a players ability to spawn a Hydra when it is not Happy Hour /togglehunter Allows an admin to grant or remove a players ability to spawn a Hunter when it is not Happy Hour /toggleseasparrow Allows an admin to grant or remove a players ability to spawn a Sea Sparrow when it is not Happy Hour /togglerhino Allows an admin to grant or remove a players ability to spawn a Rhino Tank when it is not Happy Hour /togglercplane Allows an admin to grant or remove a players ability to spawn a RC Plane when it is not Happy Hour /enablehydraall Allows an admin to grant the ability to spawn a Hydra to everyone when it is not Happy Hour /enablehunterall Allows an admin to grant the ability to spawn a Hunter to everyone when it is not Happy Hour /enablerhinoall Allows an admin to grant the ability to spawn a Rhino (tank) to everyone when it is not Happy Hour ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Commands ---------------- /fc Allows an admin to force a player into a new spawned Infernus /forcecar Allows an admin to force a player into a new spawned Infernus /bv Allows an admin to teleport the vehicle number specified to their location /bringvehicle Allows an admin to teleport the vehicle number specified to their location /giv Allows an admin to get in the specified vehicle and seat (if it is empty) /getinvehicle Allows an admin to get in the specified vehicle and seat (if it is empty) /gipv Allows an admin to get in a players vehicle as passenger (if they are in one) /getinplayersvehicle Allows an admin to get in a players vehicle as passenger (if they are in one) /ppiv Allows an admin to put the specified player in the target vehicle and seat number /putplayerinvehicle Allows an admin to put the specified player in the target vehicle and seat number /gvn Allows an admin to get the vehicle number the specified player is currently in or their own vehicle number /rv Allows an admin to respawn a vehicle, a group of vehicles (eg vehicles at the /grc minigame) or all vehicles /respawnvehicle Allows an admin to respawn a vehicle, a group of vehicles (eg vehicles at the /grc minigame) or all vehicles /gv Allows an admin to teleport to the vehicle number specified (if its a chopper they end up next to it not on top) /gotovehicle Allows an admin to teleport to the vehicle number specified (if its a chopper they end up next to it not on top) /ev Echoes the position of the vehicle to IRC and the Vehicles.txt file /echovehicle Echoes the position of the vehicle to IRC and the Vehicles.txt file /lock Locks the vehicle /thelp Displays the tow help to the player /towhelp Displays the tow help to the player /rims Displays the vehicle wheels/rims commands to the player /wheels Displays the vehicle wheels/rims commands to the player /vcommands Displays the vehicle help and commands to the player /vehiclecommands Displays the vehicle help and commands to the player /vhelp Displays the vehicle help and commands to the player /vehiclehelp Displays the vehicle help and commands to the player /mhelp Displays the vehicle modes help and commands to the player /vmhelp Displays the vehicle modes help and commands to the player /modehelp Displays the vehicle modes help and commands to the player /vehiclemodehelp Displays the vehicle modes help and commands to the player /phelp Displays the vehicle paint help to the player /painthelp Displays the vehicle paint help to the player /pa Allows the player to paint their vehicle (if it support painting) /paint Allows the player to paint their vehicle (if it support painting) /180 Allows the player to perform a 180 degree turn on the spot in their vehicle /90 Allows the player to perform a 90 degree turn on the spot in their vehicle /pimp Allows the player to pimp certain vehicles /pimp1 Allows the player to pimp certain vehicles /pimp2 Allows the player to pimp certain vehicles (using different components to /pimp) /vr Allows the player to fix (or repair) their vehicles health (it will still look damaged) /repair Allows the player to fix (or repair) their vehicles health (it will still look damaged) /fix Allows the player to fix (or repair) their vehicles health (it will still look damaged) /fix2 Allows the player to fix (or repair) their vehicles health and bodywork /autonos Allows the player to enable or disable the NOS shortcut (FIRE key/button - was HANDBRAKE) /de Allows the player to detonate their vehicle after 10 seconds /detonate Allows the player to detonate their vehicle after 10 seconds /eject Allows the player to eject all the passengers from their vehicle /sr Allows the player to set their ramp type, distance offset and time /myramp Allows the player to set their ramp type, distance offset and time /setramp Allows the player to set their ramp type, distance offset and time /rhelp Displays the ramp help (ie how to use ramps) /ramphelp Displays the ramp help (ie how to use ramps) /ramps Displays the ramp types /ron Allows the player to enable their ramps /rampson Allows the player to enable their ramps /roff Allows the player to disable their ramps /rampsoff Allows the player to disable their ramps /dra Allows an admin to disable a players ramps /afob Allows the player to enable or disable Anti-Fall Off Bike /tow Allows the player to tow the nearest driverless vehicle /nos Allows the player to add 10x NOS to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /mw Allows the player to add Mega Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /mega Allows the player to add Mega Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /megawheels Allows the player to add Mega Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /shw Allows the player to add Shadow Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /shadow Allows the player to add Shadow Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /shadowwheels Allows the player to add Shadow Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /ow Allows the player to add Offroad Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /offroad Allows the player to add Offroad Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /offroadwheels Allows the player to add Offroad Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /vw Allows the player to add Virtual Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /virtualwheels Allows the player to add Virtual Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /cw Allows the player to add Cutter Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /cutter Allows the player to add Cutter Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /cutterwheels Allows the player to add Cutter Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /aw Allows the player to add Atomic Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /atomic Allows the player to add Atomic Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /atomicwheels Allows the player to add Atomic Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /ww Allows the player to add Wire Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /wire Allows the player to add Wire Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /wirewheels Allows the player to add Wire Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /sw Allows the player to add Switch Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /switch Allows the player to add Switch Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /switchwheels Allows the player to add Switch Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /dw Allows the player to add Dollar Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /dollar Allows the player to add Dollar Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /dollarwheels Allows the player to add Dollar Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /tw Allows the player to add Twist Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /twist Allows the player to add Twist Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /twistwheels Allows the player to add Twist Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /rw Allows the player to add Rimshine Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /rimshine Allows the player to add Rimshine Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /rimshinewheels Allows the player to add Rimshine Wheels to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /h Allows the player to add Hydraulics to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /hydraulics Allows the player to add Hydraulics to their vehicle (if it is compatible) /rh Allows the player to remove Hydraulics from their vehicle (if it is compatible) /removehydraulics Allows the player to remove Hydraulics from their vehicle (if it is compatible) /back Allows the player to teleport back to where they where when they teleported to tuning /return Allows the player to teleport back to where they where when they teleported to tuning /plane Allows the player to teleport into one of the two big AT-400 Planes if one of them currently has no driver /tram Allows the player to teleport into the Tram if it currently has no driver /train Displays a message to the player telling them the train is not in GamerX anymore due to sync problems /rem Allows an admin to remove the specified player from their vehicle (if any) /remove Allows an admin to remove the specified player from their vehicle (if any) /af Allows the player to enable or disable vehicle auto-fix /autofix Allows the player to enable or disable vehicle auto-fix /sva Allows an admin to set the facing angle of their current vehicle /setva Allows an admin to set the facing angle of their current vehicle /setvehicleangle Allows an admin to set the facing angle of their current vehicle /shm Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle horn (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /sethornmode Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle horn (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /ssfm Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle secondary fire (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /setsecfiremode Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle secondary fire (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /setsecondaryfiremode Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle secondary fire (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /sfm Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle fire (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /setfiremode Allows the player to set the mode for the vehicle fire (ie do nothing, jump up or stop etc) /snp Allows the player to set their vehicles number plate text /myplate Allows the player to set their vehicles number plate text /setnumberplate Allows the player to set their vehicles number plate text /rvm Allows the player to set reset their vehicle modes and settings to the default values /resetvehiclemodes Allows the player to set reset their vehicle modes and settings to the default values /tvc Allows an admin to toggle vehicle collisions on or off for the specified player player /togglevehiclecol Allows an admin to toggle vehicle collisions on or off for the specified player player /togglevehiclecols Allows an admin to toggle vehicle collisions on or off for the specified player player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Object Mode Commands ---------------------------- /vmo Allows the player to set their object ID used for vehicle object mode /vehiclemodeobject Allows the player to set their object ID used for vehicle object mode /vmoo Allows the player to set their offset value for vehicle object mode /vehiclemodeobjectoffset Allows the player to set their offset value for vehicle object mode /vmorx Allows the player to set their RX value for vehicle object mode /vehiclemodeobjectrx Allows the player to set their RX value for vehicle object mode /vmory Allows the player to set their RY value for vehicle object mode /vehiclemodeobjectry Allows the player to set their RY value for vehicle object mode /vmozo Allows the player to set their Z offset value for vehicle object mode /vehiclemodeobjectzoffset Allows the player to set their Z offset value for vehicle object mode /svmos Allows the player to save their current vehicle object mode settings to a file /savevehiclemodeobjectset Allows the player to save their current vehicle object mode settings to a file /lvmos Allows the player to load a previously saved vehicle object mode setting file /loadvehiclemodeobjectset Allows the player to load a previously saved vehicle object mode setting file /dvmos Allows an admin to delete a previously saved vehicle object mode setting file /dvmosf Allows an admin to delete a previously saved vehicle object mode setting file /deletevmosfile Allows an admin to delete a previously saved vehicle object mode setting file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load and Save Car Component Commands ------------------------------------ /lc Allows the player to load their or another players vehicle components (if the vehicle model matches) /loadcar Allows the player to load their or another players vehicle components (if the vehicle model matches) /sac Allows the player to save their vehicle components /savecar Allows the player to save their vehicle components ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual World Admin Commands ---------------------------- /gvw Allows an admin to get the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /getvw Allows an admin to get the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /getvirtualworld Allows an admin to get the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /svw Allows an admin to set the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /setvw Allows an admin to set the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /setvirtualworld Allows an admin to set the specified players virtual world number (or their own if they don't specify an id or name) /spvw Allows an admin to permanently set the specified players virtual world number (it is reset when they rejoin) /setpvw Allows an admin to permanently set the specified players virtual world number (it is reset when they rejoin) /setpermanentvirtualworld Allows an admin to permanently set the specified players virtual world number (it is reset when they rejoin) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Lift Admin Commands -------------------------- /lift Allows an admin to create a lift under the specified player (Fence) /lift2 Allows an admin to create a lift (type 2) under the specified player (Elevator) /lift3 Allows an admin to create a lift (type 3) under the specified player (Elevator) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement Admin Commands ----------------------- /gx Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the X plane /gotox Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the X plane /gy Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the Y plane /gotoy Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the Y plane /gz Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the Z plane /gotoz Allows an admin to move the specified number of units in the Z plane /setpa Allows an admin to set their facing angle /setplayerangle Allows an admin to set their facing angle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streamed Object Density Admin and TP Commands --------------------------------------------- /sod Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable the Streamed Object Density Meter /sodm Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable the Streamed Object Density Meter /streamobjectdensity Allows an admin or trusted player to enable or disable the Streamed Object Density Meter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachable Object Player Commands --------------------------------- /ahelp Displays the GamerX Attach help /attachhelp Displays the GamerX Attach help /surfboard Allows the player to attach a surfboard to themself (works best with the NRG-500) /net Allows the player to attach a beach volleyball net to themself (in front of them) /hat Allows the player to attach a hat to themself /picture Allows the player to attach a picture to themself /statue Allows the player to attach a statue to themself /magazine Allows the player to attach a porno magazine to themself (Filthy Chicks) /magazine2 Allows the player to attach a porno magazine to themself (Candy Suxx) /impro Allows the player to attach a "Pro" sign to themself (black sign with red writing) /feeltheburn Allows the player to attach a "Feel The Burn" sign to themself (blue sign with white writing) /deer Allows the player to attach a deers head to themself /moose Allows the player to attach a deers head to themself /99c Allows the player to attach a "99c" sign to themself (yellow sign with black writing) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachable Object Admin Commands -------------------------------- /pr Allows the admin to attach a portable road to themself (if in an infernus) /pp Allows the admin to attach a portable pipe to themself (if in an infernus) /pf Allows the admin to attach a portable fence to themself (if in an infernus) /pship Allows the admin to attach a pirate ship to themself /house Allows the admin to attach a small house to themself /ufo2 Allows the admin to attach a UFO to themself /ram Allows the admin to attach a tram (concrete barrier) to themself /chicken Allows the admin to attach a chicken to themself /bigship Allows the admin to attach a big ship (cargo) to themself /screen Allows the admin to attach a screen (from the drive in theater) to themself /claw Allows the admin to attach a claw crane (from the junkyard near Mt Chiliad) to themself /sub Allows the admin to attach a submarine (not solid and is a LOD object) to themself /teepee Allows the admin to attach a tee pee to themself /wecare Allows the admin to attach the "Because We Care" sign to themself /fountain Allows the admin to attach a fountain to themself /smokescreen Allows the admin to attach a smoke machine to themself (which makes a smoke screen) /fire Allows the admin to attach a fire torch to themself /bigplane Allows the admin to attach a big plane to themself (not solid) /cow Allows the admin to attach a big cow to themself /waterfall Allows the admin to attach a waterfall to themself /burger Allows the admin to attach a burger sign to themself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Set Teleport Commands ---------------------------- /slide Teleports the player to the VCK Slide (Object Setup) /wci Teleports the player to the We Control Infernus (Object Setup) /funnel Teleports the player to the Funnel Drop by Mr Bean (Object Setup) /bd Teleports the player to the Boat Drop by Ramrod (Object Setup) /boatdrop Teleports the player to the Boat Drop by Ramrod (Object Setup) /ws Teleports the player to the Water Slide by Laggy (Object Setup) /waterslide Teleports the player to the Water Slide by Laggy (Object Setup) /dd Teleports the player to the Dinghy Drop by Santiagosony (Object Setup) /dinghydrop Teleports the player to the Dinghy Drop by Santiagosony (Object Setup) /mod Teleports the player to the Master of Disaster by Mike (Object Setup) /masterofdisaster Teleports the player to the Master of Disaster by Mike (Object Setup) /alcatraz Teleports the player to the Alcatraz Prison Island by Sander (Object Setup) /godo Teleports the player to the Going Down by Mike (Object Setup) /goingdown Teleports the player to the Going Down by Mike (Object Setup) /lt Teleports the player to the Loop Tunnel by Micky (Object Setup) /looptunnel Teleports the player to the Loop Tunnel by Micky (Object Setup) /dc Teleports the player to the Drag City by Dr A (Object Setup) /dragcity Teleports the player to the Drag City by Dr A (Object Setup) /str Teleports the player to the Stunt Road by El Brujo (Object Setup) /stuntroad Teleports the player to the Stunt Road by El Brujo (Object Setup) /ad Teleports the player to the Awesome Drop by Hunja (Object Setup) /awesomedrop Teleports the player to the Awesome Drop by Hunja (Object Setup) /pb Teleports the player to the Prison Break by Micky and Matite (Object Setup) /prisonbreak Teleports the player to the Prison Break by Micky and Matite (Object Setup) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set Fight Style Commands ------------------------ /fs Allows the player to set their fightstyle using a dialog /sfs Allows the player to set their fightstyle using a dialog /fightstyle Allows the player to set their fightstyle using a dialog /fightstyles Allows the player to set their fightstyle using a dialog /setfightstyle Allows the player to set their fightstyle using a dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Racing Commands --------------- /trr Allows an admin to enable or disable automatic race rotation /toggleracerotation Allows an admin to enable or disable automatic race rotation /fre Allows an admin to force the specified player out of the race /forceretire Allows an admin to force the specified player out of the race /frea Allows an admin to forces all players not ready out of the race so it can start /forceretireall Allows an admin to forces all players not ready out of the race so it can start /fl Allows an admin to force the specified player to leave the race /forceleave Allows an admin to force the specified player to leave the race /resetrace Allows an admin to reset the race variables (should not be needed now the bugs are removed) /endrace Allows an admin to end the current race /stoprace Allows an admin to end the current race /racestop Allows an admin to end the current race /deleterace Allows an admin to delete the specified race file /airrace Allows an admin to toggles Air Race mode (circular checkpoints) /cpsize Allows an admin to change the checkpoint size /setprize Allows an admin to set the prize money for winning the race /saverace Allows an admin or race builder to save the race using the file name specified /lr Allows an admin to load the race from the specified file /loadrace Allows an admin to load the race from the specified file /startrace Allows an admin to start the loaded race /buildrace Allows a player to start building a new race /cp Allows a race builder to add a new checkpoint /scp Allows a race builder to select a checkpoint /rcp Allows a race builder to replace the current checkpoint with a new one /mcp Allows a race builder to move the selected checkpoint in the X, Y and Z plane /dcp Allows a race builder to delete the selected checkpoint /clearrace Allows a race builder to clear the current (new) race /editrace Allows a race builder to load an existing race into the race builder /rfrt Allows an admin to reset the fastest racer time for the current race /resetfastestracertime Allows an admin to reset the fastest racer time for the current race /setracetele Allows a race builder to set the teleport name used for the race /setraceteleport Allows a race builder to set the teleport name used for the race /setracevehicle Allows a race builder to set the required vehicle to be used in the race /setraceobjects Allows a race builder to set the streamed object file to be loaded with the race /addrotation Allows a level 8+ admin to add a race to the race rotation file /ner Allows a level 5+ admin to force the next race to load in the race rotation file /nextrace Allows a level 5+ admin to force the next race to load in the race rotation file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Race Commands ------------------ /join Allows a player to join the current race /grst Allows an admin to teleport to the first checkpoint of the race /gotoracestart Allows an admin to teleport to the first checkpoint of the race /lcp Allows a racer to teleport back to the last race checkpoint they passed over /lastcheckpoint Allows a racer to teleport back to the last race checkpoint they passed over /grcp Allows a race builder to teleport to the specified race checkpoint number /gotoracecheckpoint Allows a race builder to teleport to the specified race checkpoint number ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Pick-Up Competition (PUC) Commands ----------------------------------------- /tpucmi Allows an admin to toggle the GamerX Pickup Competition map icons on or off /togglepucmapicons Allows an admin to toggle the GamerX Pickup Competition map icons on or off /lpuc Allows an admin to load the specified GamerX Pickup Competition file which creates the pickups /loadpickupcompetition Allows an admin to load the specified GamerX Pickup file which creates the pickups /epuc Allows an admin to end the current GamerX Pickup Competition (which advances the index) /endpickupcompetition Allows an admin to end the current GamerX Pickup Competition (which advances the index) /puc Displays the GamerX Pickup Competition Status (ie who is in the lead) /pucs Displays the GamerX Pickup Competition Status (ie who is in the lead) /puchelp Displays the GamerX Pickup Competition Help /rppucs Allows an admin to reset the specified players GamerX Pickup Competition status flags to all not picked up /spuci Allows an admin to set the GamerX Pickup Competition index to the specified value /apuc Allows an admin to announce the GamerX Pickup Competition (uses the text loaded from the file) /gpu Allows an admin to teleport to the specified GamerX Pickup Competition pickup /gotopickup Allows an admin to teleport to the specified GamerX Pickup Competition pickup /dpuc Allows an admin to delete the specified GamerX Pickup Competition file from the server /deletepickupcompetition Allows an admin to delete the specified GamerX Pickup Competition file from the server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Dialog Shortcut Commands --------------------------------- /stunts2 Displays the /teles -> Stunts listbox dialog /raceareas Displays the /teles -> Race Areas listbox dialog /tune Displays the /teles -> Tuning listbox dialog /tuning Displays the /teles -> Tuning listbox dialog /interiors Displays the /teles -> Interiors listbox dialog /areas Displays the /teles -> Areas listbox dialog /skydiving Displays the /teles -> Sky Diving Areas listbox dialog /airports Displays the /teles -> Airport Areas listbox dialog /pobzones Displays the /teles -> Player Object Zones listbox dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Hidden Pickup (Goo) Admin Commands ----------------------------------------- /chp Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup (worth 5 cookies) /createhiddenpickup Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup (worth 5 cookies) /ghp Allows an admin to teleport to the GamerX Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created) /gotohiddenpickup Allows an admin to teleport to the GamerX Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created) /dhp Allows an admin to delete the GamerX Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created) /deletehiddenpickup Allows an admin to delete the GamerX Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created) /shp Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup Teleport at their current location (for the /hp command) /sethp Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup Teleport at their current location (for the /hp command) /setgoo Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup Teleport at their current location (for the /hp command) /sethiddenpickup Allows an admin to create the GamerX Hidden Pickup Teleport at their current location (for the /hp command) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX Hidden Pickup (P-Goo) TP Commands ---------------------------------------- /cphp Allows a TP or admin to create the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (worth 3 cookies) /createplayerhiddenpickup Allows a TP or admin to create the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (worth 3 cookies) /gphp Allows a TP or admin to teleport to the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created and they created it) /gotoplayerhiddenpickup Allows a TP or admin to teleport to the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created and they created it) /dphp Allows a TP or admin to delete the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created and they created it) /deleteplayerhiddenpickup Allows a TP or admin to delete the GamerX Player Hidden Pickup (if it is currently created and they created it) /spg Allows a TP or admin to start or stop specing/watching/viewing the PGoo /specpgoo Allows a TP or admin to start or stop specing/watching/viewing the PGoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Commands ----------------- /buy Allows a player to purchase a property (if close enough and it is able to be purchased) /buyprop Allows a player to purchase a property (if close enough and it is able to be purchased) /buyproperty Allows a player to purchase a property (if close enough and it is able to be purchased) /sell Allows a player to sell a property (if close enough and they own it) /sellprop Allows a player to sell a property (if close enough and they own it) /sellproperty Allows a player to sell a property (if close enough and they own it) /sap Allows a player to sell all properties they own /sellall Allows a player to sell all properties they own /sellprops Allows a player to sell all properties they own /sellallprops Allows a player to sell all properties they own /sellallproperties Allows a player to sell all properties they own /gp Allows a player to teleport to a property (if they own it - admins can teleport to any property) /gotoprop Allows a player to teleport to a property (if they own it - admins can teleport to any property) /gotoproperty Allows a player to teleport to a property (if they own it - admins can teleport to any property) /pi Allows a player to view information about the properties /propinfo Allows a player to view information about the properties /propertyinfo Allows a player to view information about the properties /ph Allows a player to view the property help /prhelp Allows a player to view the property help /prophelp Allows a player to view the property help /propertyhelp Allows a player to view the property help /myp Allows a player to view their owned properties /myprops Allows a player to view their owned properties /myproperties Allows a player to view their owned properties /propertystats Allows a player to view their owned properties /ap Allows an admin to add a new property /addprop Allows an admin to add a new property /addproperty Allows an admin to add a new property /props Allows a player to view the list of properties /properties Allows a player to view the list of properties /subt Allows an admin to set the un-buyable time for a property (if it is currently owned by someone) /setubt Allows an admin to set the un-buyable time for a property (if it is currently owned by someone) /setunbuyabletime Allows an admin to set the un-buyable time for a property (if it is currently owned by someone) /saveprops Allows an admin to save the properties to the PropertyInfo.txt file /saveproperties Allows an admin to save the properties to the PropertyInfo.txt file /setpropcost Allows an admin to set the cost of a property /setpropertycost Allows an admin to set the cost of a property /setpropearn Allows an admin to set the earnings for a property /setpropertyearnings Allows an admin to set the earnings for a property /setpropname Allows an admin to set the name of a property /setpropertyname Allows an admin to set the name of a property /loadprops Allows an admin to load the properties from the PropertyInfo.txt file /loadproperties Allows an admin to load the properties from the PropertyInfo.txt file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin and Player Set Player Name Commands ----------------------------------------- /spn Allows an admin to set the name for a player (even if they are registered... works like the !renameplayer IRC admin command) /setplayername Allows an admin to set the name for a player (even if they are registered... works like the !renameplayer IRC admin command) /cn Allows a registered player to change their name /changename Allows a registered player to change their name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roadtrip Commands ----------------- /rt Allows an authorised road tripper player to teleport to the last saved road trip position /roadtrip Allows an authorised road tripper player to teleport to the last saved road trip position /rts Allows an admin to start or stop the roadtrip /roadtripstart Allows an admin to start (or stop) the roadtrip /roadtripstop Allows an admin to stop (or start) the roadtrip /srt Allows an admin to save their current position as the /roadtrip location /saveroadtrip Allows an admin to save their current position as the /roadtrip location /asrt Allows an admin to enable or disable autosaving of the Roa Trip /autosaveroadtrip Allows an admin to enable or disable autosaving of the Roa Trip /rtp Allows an admin to enable or disable the specified players access to the Road Trip commands /roadtripplayer Allows an admin to enable or disable the specified players access to the Road Trip commands /rtl Allows an admin to grant or remove a players Road Trip Leader status /roadtripleader Allows an admin to grant or remove a players Road Trip Leader status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Positioning Admin and TP Commands --------------------------------- /gotoloc Allows an admin or TP to specify the X, Y, Z coordinates and interior id to teleport to /setloc Allows an admin or TP to specify the X, Y, Z coordinates and interior id to teleport to /setpos Allows an admin or TP to specify the X, Y, Z coordinates and interior id to teleport to /smp Allows an admin to set their position for the /mypos command /setmypos Allows an admin to set their position for the /mypos command /mp Allows an admin to teleport to their previously saved /mypos position /mypos Allows an admin to teleport to their previously saved /mypos position ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon and Money Drop Pickup System Commands -------------------------------------------- /tdp Allows an admin to enable or disable dropping of weapon on money pickups when a player dies /tdpu Allows an admin to enable or disable dropping of weapon on money pickups when a player dies /toggledroppickups Allows an admin to enable or disable dropping of weapon on money pickups when a player dies /droptest1 Allows an admin to drop their weapons as pickups (same as what happens when they die) /droptest2 Allows an admin to create a normal $1000 money pickup (same as what happens when they die) /cmpu Allows an admin to create a money pickup which is auto-removed after the time specified /createmoneypickup Allows an admin to create a money pickup which is auto-removed after the time specified /dap Allows an admin to delete all pickups /deleteallpickups Allows an admin to delete all pickups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goto, ToggleGoto and Bring Commands ----------------------------------- /b Allows an admin to bring another player to their current location /bring Allows an admin to bring another player to their current location /g Allows a player to teleport to another player (if they have enabled /togglegoto for them - admin can teleport to anyone) /goto Allows a player to teleport to another player (if they have enabled /togglegoto for them - admin can teleport to anyone) /tg Allows a player to enable or disable teleporting to them for the specified player /togglegoto Allows a player to enable or disable teleporting to them for the specified player /tga Allows an admin to enable goto for all players (same as doing /togglegoto for each player to enable them) /togglegotoall Allows an admin to enable goto for all players (same as doing /togglegoto for each player to enable them) /dtga Allows an admin to disable goto for all players (same as doing /togglegoto for each player to disable them) /disabletogglegotoall Allows an admin to disable goto for all players (same as doing /togglegoto for each player to disable them) /tgc Allows a player to enable goto for all their clan mates /togglegotoclan Allows a player to enable goto for all their clan mates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Display the Teleports Dialog Commands ------------------------------------- /warps Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /gotos Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /teleports Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /teleport Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /teles Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /tele Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /tel Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) /t Displays the Teleports Main Menu for the player (which lists the teleports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Shower Admin Commands ---------------------------- /shelp Allows an admin to view the object shower help /shower Allows an admin to start or stop the object shower /sst Allows an admin to set the target player for the object shower /setshowertarget Allows an admin to set the target player for the object shower /sso Allows an admin to set the three object ids used for the object shower /setshowerobject Allows an admin to set the three object ids used for the object shower /ssh Allows an admin to set the start height used for the object shower /setshowerheight Allows an admin to set the start height used for the object shower /ssttl Allows an admin to set the TTL for the objects used in the object shower /setshowertimetolive Allows an admin to set the TTL for the objects used in the object shower /ssr Allows an admin to set the radius used for the object shower /setshowerradius Allows an admin to set the radius used for the object shower /ssrx Allows an admin to set the RX value used for the object shower /setshowerrx Allows an admin to set the RX value used for the object shower /ssry Allows an admin to set the RY value used for the object shower /setshowerry Allows an admin to set the RY value used for the object shower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Punishment, Torture and Annoy Admin and TP Commands --------------------------------------------------- /dte Allows an admin to display or remove a black screen with text for the target player /denytext Allows an admin to display or remove a black screen with text for the target player /d Allows an admin to deny or un-deny a player (when denied they see a black screen but the chat text area and kill list are still visible) /deny Allows an admin to deny or un-deny a player (when denied they see a black screen but the chat text area and kill list are still visible) /fuckyou Allows an admin to display or remove a FUCK YOU box on the players screen (when displayed they see a red screen with yellow Fuck You text in the middle) /crash Allows an admin to crash/timeout the specified player /j Allows a player to teleport to jail OR an admin to put the specified player in jail /jail Allows a player to teleport to jail OR an admin to put the specified player in jail /unj Allows an admin to release the specified player from jail (if they are in jail) /unjail Allows an admin to release the specified player from jail (if they are in jail) /jailme Allows a player to teleport to jail OR an admin to put the specified player in jail /drop Allows an admin to drop the specified player from 50m above their current height /drop2 Allows an admin to drop the specified player from 20m above their current height /toi Allows a TP to teleport to the toilet room OR an admin to put the specified player in the toilet /toilet Allows a TP to teleport to the toilet room OR an admin to put the specified player in the toilet /detoi Allows an admin to release the specified player from the toilet /detoilet Allows an admin to release the specified player from the toilet /untoilet Allows an admin to release the specified player from the toilet /wash Allows an admin to "wash" the specified player with 4 x jets of water from fire hydrants /high Allows a player to make themself high or an admin to force a player to be high /tor Allows a TP to teleport to the torture chamber OR and admin to put the specified player into the torture chamber /torture Allows a TP to teleport to the torture chamber OR and admin to put the specified player into the torture chamber /untor Allows an admin to release the specified player from the torture chamber (if they are in it) /untorture Allows an admin to release the specified player from the torture chamber (if they are in it) /detorture Allows an admin to release the specified player from the torture chamber (if they are in it) /le Allows a TP to teleport to the lecture room OR an admin to send the specified player to the lecture room /lecture Allows a TP to teleport to the lecture room OR an admin to send the specified player to the lecture room /cash Allows a TP to teleport to the cashier room OR an admin to turn the specified player into a cashier (for cheaters with too much cash) /cashier Allows a TP to teleport to the cashier room OR an admin to turn the specified player into a cashier (for cheaters with too much cash) /target Allows a TP to teleport to the Target Area OR an admin to send the specified player to the Target Area /is Allows an admin to isolate the specified player in an isolation cage for the specified time period in minutes /isolate Allows an admin to isolate the specified player in an isolation cage for the specified time period in minutes /deis Allows an admin to release the specified player from the isolation cage /deisolate Allows an admin to release the specified player from the isolation cage /cage Allows a TP to teleport to the cage OR an admin to put the specified player in the cage at the snake farm /vend Allows a TP to teleport to the vending machine OR an admin to put the specified player in the vending machine /sdl Allows an admin to set a players drunk level /setdrunklevel Allows an admin to set a players drunk level /squash Allows an admin to "squash" the specified player with 5 x falling wrecking balls /la Allows an admin to launch the specified player using the velocity values supplied /launch Allows an admin to launch the specified player using the velocity values supplied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hideout Admin Commands ---------------------- /h1 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 1: Burglary House /hideout Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 1: Burglary House /hideout1 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 1: Burglary House /h2 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 2: Secret Strip Club Room /hideout2 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 2: Secret Strip Club Room /h3 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 3: Blastin' Fools Records /hideout3 Allows an admin to teleport to OR send a player to Hideout 3: Blastin' Fools Records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holding Object Commands ----------------------- /ghos Allows a player to get (view) the specified holding object slot settings /getholdingobjectsettings Allows a player to get (view) the specified holding object slot settings /spho Allows an admin to set the specified players holding object /setplayerholdingobject Allows an admin to set the specified players holding object /rpho Allows an admin to remove the specified players holding object (if any) /repho Allows an admin to remove the specified players holding object (if any) /removeplayerholdingobject Allows an admin to remove the specified players holding object (if any) /mho Allows a player to set their specified holding object and bone attach point /moh Allows a player to set their specified holding object and bone attach point /myholdingobject Allows a player to set their specified holding object and bone attach point /rmho Allows a player to remove their holding object (if they have one) /removemyholdingobject Allows a player to remove their holding object (if they have one) /rhos Allows a player to remove a holding object from the specified slot /removeholdingobjectslot Allows a player to remove a holding object from the specified slot /duho Allows a player to duplicate a holding object from the specified slot to the other specified slot /dupho Allows a player to duplicate a holding object from the specified slot to the other specified slot /duplicateholdingobject Allows a player to duplicate a holding object from the specified slot to the other specified slot /rho Allows a player to set their holding object to the same as the specified players holding object (if any) /refreshholdingobject Allows a player to set their holding object to the same as the specified players holding object (if any) /sho Allows a player to save their holding object settings to the specified file /saveholdingobject Allows a player to save their holding object settings to the specified file /lho Allows a player to load their holding object settings from the specified file /loadholdingobject Allows a player to load their holding object settings from the specified file /dho Allows an admin to delete a holding object file (it cannot be undeleted) /dhof Allows an admin to delete a holding object file (it cannot be undeleted) /deleteholdingobjectfile Allows an admin to delete a holding object file (it cannot be undeleted) /rhor Allows an admin to remove the holding objects of all players within the specified radius /rhoradius Allows an admin to remove the holding objects of all players within the specified radius /removeholdingobjectsradius Allows an admin to remove the holding objects of all players within the specified radius /lhos Allows a player to load a holding object set (previously saved with the /SHOS command) /loadholdingobjectset Allows a player to load a holding object set (previously saved with the /SHOS command) /shos Allows a player to save all of their holding object settings from all slots to the specified file /saveholdingobjectset Allows a player to save all of their holding object settings from all slots to the specified file /dhos Allows an admin to delete a holding object set (it cannot be undeleted) /deleteholdingobjectset Allows an admin to delete a holding object set (it cannot be undeleted) /shark Allows a player to set their holding object to a shark /dolphin Allows a player to set their holding object to a dolphin /turtle Allows a player to set their holding object to a turtle /fish Allows a player to set their holding object to a school of fish /tree Allows a player to set their holding object to a tree /bush Allows a player to set their holding object to a bush /bigbush Allows a player to set their holding object to a big bush /speaker Allows a player to set their holding object to a speaker /basketball Allows a player to set their holding object to a basketball /security Allows a player to set their holding object to a security camera /skull Allows a player to set their holding object to a burning skull /surfboard2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a random surfboard /dice Allows a player to set their holding object to a dice /television Allows a player to set their holding object to a television /clean Allows a player to set their holding object to a shower /hippo Allows a player to set their holding object to a hippo bin /meat Allows a player to set their holding object to some abattoir meat /beachball Allows a player to set their holding object to a beachball /clam Allows a player to set their holding object to a clam /clam2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a clam (type 2) /jellyfish Allows a player to set their holding object to a jellyfish /starfish Allows a player to set their holding object to a starfish /firepole Allows a player to set their holding object to a fire pole /nude Allows a player to set their holding object to a nude mannequin (store dummy) /computer Allows a player to set their holding object to a computer (desktop PC) /pizza Allows a player to set their holding object to a pizza display case /briefcase Allows a player to set their holding object to briefcase /heart Allows a player to set their holding object to heart /modelplane Allows a player to set their holding object to a model plane /sword Allows a player to set their holding object to a sword /moutharm Allows a player to set their holding object to a mouth arm (arm attached to players jaw) /lion Allows a player to set their holding object to a lion (statue) /firestick Allows a player to set their holding object to a fire stick /broom Allows a player to set their holding object to a broom /radar Allows a player to set their holding object to a radar (animated) /tiki Allows a player to set their holding object to a tiki (animated) /hook Allows a player to set their holding object to a hook /wrench Allows a player to set their holding object to a wrench /stereo Allows a player to set their holding object to a stereo /plant Allows a player to set their holding object to a plant /moneybag Allows a player to set their holding object to a money bag (over their shoulder) /club2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a spiked club /megarocket Allows a player to set their holding object to a megarocket (looks good with a /rocket) /angel Allows a player to set their holding object to an angel (statue) /bigsmoke Allows a player to set their holding object to big smoke (statue) /box Allows a player to set their holding object to box /statue2 Allows a player to set their holding object to statue /statue3 Allows a player to set their holding object to statue (pissing) /bin Allows a player to set their holding object to a bin (metal) /bin2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a bin (small metal) /chair Allows a player to set their holding object to a chair (office) and sit down /chair2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a chair (lounge) and sit down /rifle Allows a player to set their holding object to a rifle /rifle2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a rifle (same rifle but different holding style) /light Allows a player to set their holding object to a big red light (only works at night) /light2 Allows a player to set their holding object to some coloured lights (only works at night) /light3 Allows a player to set their holding object to a red/yellow lantern (only works at night) /head Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (mutilated head attached to players jaw) /head2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (players head is inside the dead cops arse) /head3 Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (animated traffic light) /head4 Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (cow skull) /head5 Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (cops head) /head6 Allows a player to set their holding object to a head (penis) /penis Allows a player to set their holding object to a penis (chainsaw dildo) /penis2 Allows a player to set their holding object to a penis (cigar) /penis3 Allows a player to set their holding object to a penis (cactus) /penis4 Allows a player to set their holding object to a penis (missile) /ho2 Allows a player to view the holding object presets dialog /holdingobject2 Allows a player to view the holding object presets dialog /holdingobjects2 Allows a player to view the holding object presets dialog /hoh Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /hhelp Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /hohelp Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /holdhelp Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /holdinghelp Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /holdingobjecthelp Allows a player to view the holding object help dialog /bones Allows a player to view the bones help dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toggle Streamed Objects Commands -------------------------------- /tso Allows a player to enable or disable all streamed objects for themself /togglestreamobjects Allows a player to enable or disable all streamed objects for themself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Object Commands ------------------- /rpmo Allows an admin to remove the specified map object for the specified player, location and radius /removeplayermapobject Allows an admin to remove the specified map object for the specified player, location and radius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streamed Object with Custom Text Commands ----------------------------------------- /csos Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /csos1 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /createstreamobjectsign Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /createstreamobjectsign1 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /createstreamedobjectsign Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /createstreamedobjectsign1 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 1 with custom text (casino scrolling sign) /csos2 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 2 with custom text (large green road sign) /createstreamobjectsign2 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 2 with custom text (large green road sign) /createstreamedobjectsign2 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 2 with custom text (large green road sign) /csos3 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 3 with custom text (big white sign) /createstreamobjectsign3 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 3 with custom text (big white sign) /createstreamedobjectsign3 Allows an admin to create a streamed object sign type 3 with custom text (big white sign) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streamed Objects Admin Commands ------------------------------- /eso Allows an admin to specify a streamed object for editing using SA-MP edit mode /editstreamobject Allows an admin to specify a streamed object for editing using SA-MP edit mode /editstreamedobject Allows an admin to specify a streamed object for editing using SA-MP edit mode /cso Allows an admin to create a streamed object using the specified object id (if valid) /createstreamobject Allows an admin to create a streamed object using the specified object id (if valid) /createstreamedobject Allows an admin to create a streamed object using the specified object id (if valid) /ssod Allows an admin to set the streaming distance for the streamed object specified /sosd Allows an admin to set the streaming distance for the streamed object specified /setobjectstreamdistance Allows an admin to set the streaming distance for the streamed object specified /sodd Allows an admin to set the draw distance for the streamed object specified /setobjectdrawdistance Allows an admin to set the draw distance for the streamed object specified /gosd Allows an admin to get the streaming distance for the streamed object specified /getobjectstreamdistance Allows an admin to get the streaming distance for the streamed object specified /godd Allows an admin to get the draw distance for the streamed object specified /getobjectdrawdistance Allows an admin to get the draw distance for the streamed object specified /saodd Allows an admin to set the draw distance for all objects to the streamed object specified /setallobjectsdrawdist Allows an admin to set the draw distance for all objects to the streamed object specified /saosd Allows an admin to set the streaming distance for all objects to the streamed object specified /setallobjectsstreamdist Allows an admin to set the streaming distance for all objects to the streamed object specified /lsos Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming /loadstreamobjectset Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming /loadstreamedobjectset Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming /lsos2 Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming (as LoadedFromFile) /loadstreamobjectset2 Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming (as LoadedFromFile) /psos Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming ONLY in Virtual World 999 /previewstreamedobjectset Allows an admin to load a streamed object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) for streaming ONLY in Virtual World 999 /saso Allows an admin to save all streamed objects to the file specified /ssos Allows an admin to save all streamed objects to the file specified /saveallstreamobjects Allows an admin to save all streamed objects to the file specified /savestreamobjectset Allows an admin to save all streamed objects to the file specified /smso Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /samso Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /smsos Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /savemystreamobjects Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /savemystreamedobjects Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /saveallmystreamobjects Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /saveallmystreamedobjects Allows an admin to save all streamed objects they created to the flename specified /dso Allows an admin to delete a streamed object using the specified object number (if previously created by them) /deletestreamobject Allows an admin to delete a streamed object using the specified object number (if previously created by them) /gso Allows an admin to teleport to the specified streamed object number (if previously created) /gotostreamobject Allows an admin to teleport to the specified streamed object number (if previously created) /gotostreamedobject Allows an admin to teleport to the specified streamed object number (if previously created) /duso Allows an admin to duplicate an existing streamed object at the specified offsets /duplicatestreamobject Allows an admin to duplicate an existing streamed object at the specified offsets /duplicatestreamedobject Allows an admin to duplicate an existing streamed object at the specified offsets /pso Allows an admin to position a streamed object in front of themself at the specified distance /positionstreamobject Allows an admin to position a streamed object in front of themself at the specified distance /positionstreamedobject Allows an admin to position a streamed object in front of themself at the specified distance /daso Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects not marked as non-deletable /deleteallstreamobjects Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects not marked as non-deletable /deleteallstreamedobjects Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects not marked as non-deletable /nso Allows an admin to view the closest streamed object to them /neareststreamobject Allows an admin to view the closest streamed object to them /neareststreamedobject Allows an admin to view the closest streamed object to them /clso Allows an admin to view the closest streamed object to them /closeststreamobject Allows an admin to view the closest streamed object to them /lso Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last created streamed object number and id (if previously created) /laststreamobject Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last created streamed object number and id (if previously created) /laststreamedobject Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last created streamed object number and id (if previously created) /glso Allows an admin to teleport to their (or another admins) last created streamed object number (if previously created) /gotolaststreamobject Allows an admin to teleport to their (or another admins) last created streamed object number (if previously created) /gotolaststreamedobject Allows an admin to teleport to their (or another admins) last created streamed object number (if previously created) /damso Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects they created /deleteallmystreamedobjects Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects they created /dlso Allows an admin to delete their (or another admins) last created streamed object /deletelaststreamobject Allows an admin to delete their (or another admins) last created streamed object /deletelaststreamedobject Allows an admin to delete their (or another admins) last created streamed object /udso Allows an admin to restore their last deleted streamed object /undeletestreamobject Allows an admin to restore their last deleted streamed object /undodeletestreamobject Allows an admin to restore their last deleted streamed object /damnso Allows an admin to delete all of the streamed objects they have created within the radius specified /deleteallmynearestsobs Allows an admin to delete all of the streamed objects they have created within the radius specified /usos Allows an admin to "unload" a streamed object set that was previously loaded /unloadstreamobjectset Allows an admin to "unload" a streamed object set that was previously loaded /gsom Allows an admin to get (view) the material settings for the specified streamed object and material index /gsoma Allows an admin to get (view) the material settings for the specified streamed object and material index /getstreamobjectmaterial Allows an admin to get (view) the material settings for the specified streamed object and material index /getstreamedobjectmaterial Allows an admin to get (view) the material settings for the specified streamed object and material index /ssot Allows an admin to set the text on the specified streamed object and material index /setstreamobjecttext Allows an admin to set the text on the specified streamed object and material index /setstreamedobjecttext Allows an admin to set the text on the specified streamed object and material index /ssom Allows an admin to set the material on the specified streamed object and material index /ssoma Allows an admin to set the material on the specified streamed object and material index /setstreamobjectmaterial Allows an admin to set the material on the specified streamed object and material index /setstreamedobjectmaterial Allows an admin to set the material on the specified streamed object and material index /rsom Allows an admin to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object and material index to return them to the defaults /rsoma Allows an admin to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object and material index to return them to the defaults /removestreamobjectmaterial Allows an admin to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object and material index to return them to the defaults /rasom Allows an admin to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object to return them to the defaults /rasoma Allows an admin to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object to return them to the defaults /removeallstreamobjectmater Allows an admin to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified streamed object to return them to the defaults /ssoox Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the X plane /setstreamobjectoffsetx Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the X plane /setstreamedobjectoffsetx Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the X plane /ssooy Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Y plane /setstreamobjectoffsety Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Y plane /setstreamedobjectoffsety Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Y plane /ssooz Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Z plane /setstreamobjectoffsetz Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Z plane /setstreamedobjectoffsetz Allows an admin to move a streamed object in the Z plane /ssorx Allows an admin to set a streamed objects X rotation value /ssoxr Allows an admin to set a streamed objects X rotation value /setstreamobjectxrotation Allows an admin to set a streamed objects X rotation value /ssory Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Y rotation value /ssoyr Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Y rotation value /setstreamobjectyrotation Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Y rotation value /ssorz Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Z rotation value /ssozr Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Z rotation value /setstreamobjectzrotation Allows an admin to set a streamed objects Z rotation value /road Allows an admin to create a streamed road segment (type 1 - Normal Flat) in front of them using the offset supplied /road2 Allows an admin to create a streamed road segment (type 2 - Road Bridge) in front of them using the offset supplied /saroad Allows an admin to create the specified number of streamed road segments at the specified angle /scroad Allows an admin to create a custom streamed road (each section can be up of 4 road segments) /stower Allows an admin to create the specified number of streamed tower segments /shay Allows an admin to create the specified number of streamed hay road segments at the specified angle /megatower Allows an admin to create or destroy a Mega Tower made up of the specied *up to 50) number of towers /megaroad Allows an admin to create or destroy a Mega Road made up of the specied *up to 50) number of road segments /beachballs Allows an admin to create or destroy 5 x beach balls (streamed) in the swimming pool at Madd Doggs Mansion Interior /olc Allows an admin to open the lab cover (streamed) at /ga69 (the Army Airport) /clc Allows an admin to close the lab cover (streamed) at /ga69 (the Army Airport) /armyship Allows an admin to create or destroy the Army Ship (streamed) at their current location (it will always face north to south) /asord Allows an admin to open the rear door of the Army Ship /ascrd Allows an admin to close the rear door of the Army Ship /aslrl Allows an admin to lower the rear lift of the Army Ship /asrrl Allows an admin to raise the rear lift of the Army Ship /aslsl Allows an admin to lower the side lift of the Army Ship /asrsl Allows an admin to raise the side lift of the Army Ship /tdso Allows an admin to enable or disable the default streamed objects (eg bridges and lab cover) /gamepad Displays a message saying this command is not used anymore /ddso Allows an admin to toggle on or off the deletion of their created streamed object on exit /dontdeletestreamobjects Allows an admin to toggle on or off the deletion of their created streamed object on exit /dapso Allows an admin to delete all streamed objects created by the specified admin /asotv Allows an admin to attach the specified streamed object to the specified vehicle using the specified offsets and rotations /attachstreamobjecttovehicl Allows an admin to attach the specified streamed object to the specified vehicle using the specified offsets and rotations (command had to be shortened to 26 chars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal and Streamed Object Commands ----------------------------------- /to Allows an admin to view the total normal, streamed and player object count /totalobjects Allows an admin to view the total normal, streamed and player object count /so Allows an admin to select a normal object or streamed object for editing /selectobject Allows an admin to select a normal object or streamed object for editing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Streamed Object Shortcut Admin Commands ---------------------------------------------- /fakeminigun Allows an admin to create a streamed fake minigun (id 2985) in front of them using the offset supplied /crane Allows an admin to create a streamed crane (id 1384) in front of them using the offset supplied /loghouse Allows an admin to create a streamed log house (id 18267) in front of them using the offset supplied /bunker Allows an admin to create a streamed bunker (id 16093) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /traintunnel Allows an admin to create an inverted streamed train tunnel (id 11342) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /pirateship Allows an admin to create a streamed pirate ship (id 8493) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /greenhouse Allows an admin to create a streamed greenhouse (breakable) in front of them using the offset supplied /ramp Allows an admin to create a streamed ramp (type 1 - id 1655) in front of them using the offset supplied /ramp2 Allows an admin to create a streamed ramp (type 2 - id 1632) in front of them using the offset supplied /ramp3 Allows an admin to create a streamed ramp (type 3 - id 1634) in front of them using the offset supplied /ramp4 Allows an admin to create a streamed ramp (type 4 - id 17310) in front of them using the offset supplied /body Allows an admin to create a streamed dead cop body (id 3092) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /awmi Allows an admin to create an arrow (id 1318) in front of them and echo a WMI2 at the same time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Player Object Shortcut Player Commands --------------------------------------------- /proad Allows a player to create a player object road using the specified number of road segments at the specified angle /ploop Allows a player to create a player object loop using the specified object ID and parameters /pramp Allows a player to create a player object ramp (type 1 - ID:1655) using the specified offset /pramp2 Allows a player to create a player object ramp (type 2 - ID:17310) using the specified offset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Player or Streamed Object Shortcut Player and Admin Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------- /stair Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 12950) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /stair2 Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 10008) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /stair3 Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 2772) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /stair4 Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 5822) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /stair5 Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 10009) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /stair6 Allows an admin or player to create a stair (id 11479) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /stairwell Allows an admin or player to create a stairwell (id 14596) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /jetty Allows an admin or player to create a jetty (id 12990) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /jetty2 Allows an admin or player to create a jetty (id 11495) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /platform Allows an admin or player to create a platform (id 3885) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /platform2 Allows an admin or player to create a platform (id 3115) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /platform3 Allows an admin or player to create a platform (id 3458) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /tube Allows an admin or player to create a tube (id 18808) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /pipe Allows an admin or player to create a pipe (id 3502) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /log Allows an admin or player to create a log (id 3499) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /pond Allows an admin or player to create a pond (id 4206) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /runway Allows an admin or player to create a runway (id 8171) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /glass Allows an admin or player to create a sheet of glass (id 1649) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /plank Allows an admin or player to create a plank (id 18367) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /rocks Allows an admin or player to create some rocks (id 18228) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /gravel Allows an admin or player to create a gravel pile (id 16304) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /helipad Allows an admin or player to create a helipad (id 9241) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /fence Allows an admin or player to create a fence (id 971) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /fence2 Allows an admin or player to create a fence type 2 (id 972) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /fence3 Allows an admin or player to create a fence type 3 (id 4100) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /arch Allows an admin or player to create a big arch (id 6235) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /scrapcars Allows an admin or player to create a set of scrap cars (id 13591) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /ring Allows an admin or player to create a ring (id 13594) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /arrow Allows an admin or player to create an arrow (id 1318) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /escalator Allows an admin or player to create an escalator (id 3743) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /escalator2 Allows an admin or player to create a dual escalator (id 3586) in front of them using the offset and RX value supplied /hut Allows an admin or player to create a small hut (id 3626) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /hut2 Allows an admin or player to create a small hut (id 5837) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /ball Allows an admin or player to create a beach ball (id 1598) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /wreckingball Allows an admin or player to create a wrecking ball (id 3054) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /mine Allows an admin or player to create a mine (id 2918) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /fenceroad Allows an admin or player to create a fence road segment (id 8148) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /fenceroad2 Allows an admin or player to create a 3 fence road segments (id 8148) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /fenceroad3 Allows an admin or player to create a fence road segment (id 7373 - type 3) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /walkway Allows an admin or player to create a walkway (id 16395) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /water1 Allows an admin or player to create a fountain (id 3515) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /water2 Allows an admin or player to create a fountain type 2 (id 9833) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /water3 Allows an admin or player to create a waterfall (id 7916) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /trees Allows an admin or player to create a set of trees (id 16061 - one object) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /labbit1 Allows an admin or player to create a lab bit (id 16658 - type 1) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /door1 Allows an admin or player to create a door (id 1499 - type 1) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /door2 Allows an admin or player to create a door (id 1499 - type 2) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /walkway2 Allows an admin or player to create a walkway type 2 (id 9767) in front of them using the offset and RX angle supplied /stack Allows an admin or player to create a stack of objects using the values supplied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object (non-streamed) Admin Commands ------------------------------------ /co Allows an admin to create a normal object using the specified object id (if valid) /createobject Allows an admin to create a normal object using the specified object id (if valid) /los Allows an admin to load a normal object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /loadobjectset Allows an admin to load a normal object set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /sao Allows an admin to save all normal objects to the filename specified /sos Allows an admin to save all normal objects to the filename specified /saveallobjects Allows an admin to save all normal objects to the filename specified /saveobjectset Allows an admin to save all normal objects to the filename specified /do Allows an admin to delete a normal object /deleteobject Allows an admin to delete a normal object /udo Allows an admin to restore their last deleted normal object /undeleteobject Allows an admin to restore their last deleted normal object /undodeleteobject Allows an admin to restore their last deleted normal object /go Allows an admin to teleport to the specified normal object number (if previously created) /gotoobject Allows an admin to teleport to the specified normal object number (if previously created) /losel Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last selected normal object number and id (if previously selected) /lastobjectselected Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last selected normal object number and id (if previously selected) /dao Allows an admin to delete all normal objects not marked as non-deletable /deleteallobjects Allows an admin to delete all normal objects not marked as non-deletable /lo Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last created object number and id (if previously created) /lastobject Allows an admin to view their (or another admins) last created object number and id (if previously created) /glo Allows an admin to teleport to their (or another admins) last created normal object number (if previously created) /gotolastobject Allows an admin to teleport to their (or another admins) last created normal object number (if previously created) /bo Allows an admin to bring a normal object to their current location /bringobject Allows an admin to bring a normal object to their current location /duo Allows an admin to duplicate an existing normal object at the specified offsets /duplicateobject Allows an admin to duplicate an existing normal object at the specified offsets /po Allows an admin to position a normal object using the specified X, Y and Z distance offsets /positionobject Allows an admin to position a normal object using the specified X, Y and Z distance offsets /no Allows an admin to find the closest normal object to them /nearestobject Allows an admin to find the closest normal object to them /clo Allows an admin to find the closest normal object to them /closestobject Allows an admin to find the closest normal object to them /dlo Allows an admin to delete their (or another admins) last created normal object /deletelastobject Allows an admin to delete their (or another admins) last created normal object /damo Allows an admin to delete all normal objects they have created (which are not marked as non-deletable) /deleteallmyobjects Allows an admin to delete all normal objects they have created (which are not marked as non-deletable) /smo Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /samo Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /smos Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /savemyobjects Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /savemyobjectset Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /saveallmyobjects Allows an admin to save all normal objects they created to the flename specified /sorx Allows an admin to set a normal objects X rotation value /soxr Allows an admin to set a normal objects X rotation value /setobjectxrotation Allows an admin to set a normal objects X rotation value /sory Allows an admin to set a normal objects Y rotation value /soyr Allows an admin to set a normal objects Y rotation value /setobjectyrotation Allows an admin to set a normal objects Y rotation value /sorz Allows an admin to set a normal objects Z rotation value /sozr Allows an admin to set a normal objects Z rotation value /setobjectzrotation Allows an admin to set a normal objects Z rotation value /aroad Allows an admin to create the specified number of normal object road segments at the specified angle /croad Allows an admin to create a custom road (each section can be up of 4 normal object road segments) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal, Streamed and Player Object Set Delete Admin Commands ------------------------------------------------------------ /dos Allows an admin to delete a normal or streamed object set file (it cannot be undeleted) /deleteobjectset Allows an admin to delete a normal or streamed object set file (it cannot be undeleted) /dpos Allows an admin to delete a player object set file (it cannot be undeleted) /deleteplayerobjectset Allows an admin to delete a player object set file (it cannot be undeleted) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Help Commands --------------------------- /pohelp Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 1] /pobhelp Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 1] /pobhelp1 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 1] /playerobjecthelp Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 1] /pohelp2 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 2] /pobhelp2 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 2] /playerobjecthelp2 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 2] /pohelp3 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 3] /pobhelp3 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 3] /playerobjecthelp3 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 3] /pohelp4 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 4] /pobhelp4 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 4] /playerobjecthelp4 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 4] /pohelp5 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 5] /pobhelp5 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 5] /playerobjecthelp5 Allows a player to view the player object help [Part 5] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Commands ---------------------- /cpo Allows a player to create a player object using the specified object model id /createplayerobject Allows a player to create a player object using the specified object model id /spo Allows a player to select a player object for editing /selectplayerobject Allows a player to select a player object for editing /tpo Allows a player to view their total player object count /totalplayerobjects Allows a player to view their total player object count /dpo Allows a player to delete a player object if they created it /deleteplayerobject Allows a player to delete a player object if they created it /dapo Allows a player to delete all of their player object they created /deleteallplayerobjects Allows a player to delete all of their player object they created /udpo Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /undeleteplayerobject Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /undodeleteplayerobject Allows a player to restore their last deleted player object /gpo Allows a player to teleport to a player object they have previously created /gotoplayerobject Allows a player to teleport to a player object they have previously created /glpo Allows a player to teleport to their last created player object number (if previously created) /gotolastplayerobject Allows a player to teleport to their last created player object number (if previously created) /dlpo Allows a player to delete their last created player object number (if previously created) /deletelastplayerobject Allows a player to delete their last created player object number (if previously created) /npo Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /nearestplayerobject Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /clpo Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /closestplayerobject Allows a player to find the closest player object to them that they created /ppo Allows a player to position one of their player objects in front of themself at the specified distance /positionplayerobject Allows a player to position one of their player objects in front of themself at the specified distance /sapo Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /spos Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /saveplayerobjectset Allows a player to save a player object set to the filename specified /lpos Allows a player to load a player object set that has previously been saved /loadplayerobjectset Allows a player to load a player object set that has previously been saved /lpo Allows a player to load the player objects created by another player (they are added to any exising player objects) /loadplayerobjects Allows a player to load the player objects created by another player (they are added to any exising player objects) /rpo Allows a player to delete all of their player objects and load another players objects /refreshplayerobjects Allows a player to delete all of their player objects and load another players objects /fpo Allows an admin to force another player to load their player objects /forceplayerobjects Allows an admin to force another player to load their player objects /dupo Allows a player to duplicate one of their player objects at the specified X, Y and Z offsets /duplicateplayerobject Allows a player to duplicate one of their player objects at the specified X, Y and Z offsets /lapo Allows a player to view their last created object number and id (if previously created) /lastplayerobject Allows a player to view their last created object number and id (if previously created) /epo Allows a player to edit or stop editing a player object /editplayerobject Allows a player to edit or stop editing a player object /editplayerobject2 Allows a player to edit a player object using the SA-MP 0.3e feature /epo2 Allows a player to edit a player object using the SA-MP 0.3e feature /selectobject2 Allows a player to enter selection mode where they can click on objects or view their details /so2 Allows a player to enter selection mode where they can click on objects or view their details /editholdingobject Allows a player to edit a holding object /eho Allows a player to edit a holding object /spom Allows a player to edit the model id of an object they have selected /setplayerobjectmodel Allows a player to edit the model id of an object they have selected /gpom Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /gpoma Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /getplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to get the material (texture) settings previously used on a player object with the /spoma command /cpom Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /cpoma Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /copyplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to copy the specified material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /capom Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /capoma Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /copyallpobmaterials Allows a player to copy all material (texture) index settings from one player object to another /rpom Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /rpoma Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /removeplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to remove the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and material index to return them to the defaults /rapom Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /rapoma Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /removeallplayerobjectmater Allows a player to remove all of the material (texture) index settings on the specified player object and return them to the defaults /spoma Allows a player to set the material (texture) and or color on a player object /setplayerobjectmaterial Allows a player to set the material (texture) and or color on a player object /tpobs Allows a player to enable or disable sharing of their player objects /togglepobsharing Allows a player to enable or disable sharing of their player objects /sporx Allows a player to set the RX value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationx Allows a player to set the RX value for one of their player objects /spory Allows a player to set the RY value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationy Allows a player to set the RY value for one of their player objects /sporz Allows a player to set the RZ value for one of their player objects /setplayerobjectrotationz Allows a player to set the RZ value for one of their player objects /spoox Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the X plane /setplayerobjectoffsetx Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the X plane /spooy Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Y plane /setplayerobjectoffsety Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Y plane /spooz Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Z plane /setplayerobjectoffsetz Allows a player to move one of their player objects in the Z plane /sapoox Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the X plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsetx Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the X plane /sapooy Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Y plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsety Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Y plane /sapooz Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Z plane /setallplayerobjectsoffsetz Allows a player to move all of their player objects in the Z plane ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter Player Object Commands ----------------------------- /dapl Allows a player to delete all of the letter player objects they have previously created /deleteallplayerletters Allows a player to delete all of the letter player objects they have previously created /sl Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /sapl Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /saveallplayerletters Allows a player to save all of the letter player objects they have previously created to a file /splo Allows a player to set the distance in front of the player that letter player objects are created /setplayerletteroffset Allows a player to set the distance in front of the player that letter player objects are created /spla Allows a player to set the angle used between each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterangle Allows a player to set the angle used between each letter when creating letter player objects /spls Allows a player to set the spacing used between each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterspacing Allows a player to set the spacing used between each letter when creating letter player objects /sploid Allows a player to set the object id used for each letter when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterobjectid Allows a player to set the object id used for each letter when creating letter player objects /splxym Allows a player to set the XY multiplier used when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterxymultip Allows a player to set the XY multiplier used when creating letter player objects /splzm Allows a player to set the Z multiplier used when creating letter player objects /setplayerletterzmultiplier Allows a player to set the Z multiplier used when creating letter player objects /cpol Allows a player to create the specified text using player objects /createplayerobjectletters Allows a player to create the specified text using player objects /plhelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects /playerletterhelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects /playerlettershelp Allows a player to view a dialog with help and information about letter player objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Army Ship Commands -------------------------------- /mashelp Displays help for the /myarmyship command /myarmyshiphelp Displays help for the /myarmyship command /mas Allows a player to create or destroy their player object Army Ship /myarmyship Allows a player to create or destroy their player object Army Ship /gmas Allows a player to teleport to their player object Army Ship /gotomyarmyship Allows a player to teleport to their player object Army Ship /ord Allows a player to open the rear door of their player object Army Ship (if created) /openreardoor Allows a player to open the rear door of their player object Army Ship (if created) /crd Allows a player to close the rear door of their player object Army Ship (if created) /closereardoor Allows a player to close the rear door of their player object Army Ship (if created) /rrl Allows a player to raise the rear aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /raiserearlift Allows a player to raise the rear aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /lrl Allows a player to lower the rear aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /lowerrearlift Allows a player to lower the rear aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /rsl Allows a player to raise the side aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /raisesidelift Allows a player to raise the side aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /lsl Allows a player to lower the side aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) /lowersidelift Allows a player to lower the side aircraft lift on their player object Army Ship (if created) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moving Streamed Object Admin Commands ------------------------------------- /setmo Allows an admin to set the specified streamed object number as a moving object /setmovingobject Allows an admin to set the specified streamed object number as a moving object /tmo Allows an admin to start or stop the specified moving object /tom Allows an admin to start or stop the specified moving object /togglemovingobject Allows an admin to start or stop the specified moving object /smosp Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to its current location /setmosp Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to its current location /setmovingobjectstartpos Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to its current location /smosp2 Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to the admins current location /setmosp2 Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to the admins current location /setmovingobjectstartpos2 Allows an admin to set the start pos for a moving object to the admins current location /smoep Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to its current location /setmoep Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to its current location /setmovingobjectendpos Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to its current location /smoep2 Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to the admins current location /setmoep2 Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to the admins current location /setmovingobjectendpos2 Allows an admin to set the end pos for a moving object to the admins current location /smoste Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start to End speed /setmoste Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start to End speed /setmovingobjectspeedtoend Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start to End speed /smosts Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End to Start speed /setmosts Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End to Start speed /setmovingobjectspeedtostar Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End to Start speed /smosd Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start Delay /setmosd Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start Delay /setmovingobjectstartdelay Allows an admin to set the specified moving object Start Delay /smoed Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End Delay /setmoed Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End Delay /setmovingobjectenddelay Allows an admin to set the specified moving object End Delay /gmo Allows an admin to teleport to the specified moving object /gotomovingobject Allows an admin to teleport to the specified moving object /mol Allows an admin to view a list of all moving objects /movingobjectlist Allows an admin to view a list of all moving objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Conversion Admin Commands -------------------------------- /cnotso Allows an admin to convert a normal object into a streamed object /csotno Allows an admin to convert a streamed object into a normal object /cpotso Allows an admin to convert a players player object into a streamed object /capotso Allows an admin to convert all of a players player objects to streamed objects /campotso Allows an admin to convert all of their player objects to streamed objects /camsotpo Allows an admin to convert all of their streamed objects to player objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Object Streamer Settings Admin Commands --------------------------------------- /sstr Allows an admin to set the streamer plugin tick rate (default is 100) resolution used by the streamer plugin /setstreamtickrate Allows an admin to set the streamer plugin tick rate (default is 100) resolution used by the streamer plugin /setstreamertickrate Allows an admin to set the streamer plugin tick rate (default is 100) resolution used by the streamer plugin /ssvi Allows an admin to set the maximum number of objects displayed to each player (default is 254) by the streamer plugin /setstreamervisibleitems Allows an admin to set the maximum number of objects displayed to each player (default is 254) by the streamer plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timer Resolution for Editing Player Object Admin Commands --------------------------------------------------------- /spoetr Allows an admin to set the timer resolution used by the editing player object timer (/epo2) /setpobedittimerres Allows an admin to set the timer resolution used by the editing player object timer (/epo2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slot Commands ------------- /sss Allows an admin to save all slots to the file name specified /saveslotset Allows an admin to save all slots to the file name specified /saveallslots Allows an admin to save all slots to the file name specified /las Allows an admin to load a slot set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /lss Allows an admin to load a slot set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /loadslotset Allows an admin to load a slot set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /loadallslots Allows an admin to load a slot set from the filename supplied (if it exists) /cl Allows an admin to clear the slot they specify (if it previously has been saved) /s Allows an admin to save their current location to the slot they specify (if it currently empty) /l Allows the player to teleport to the slot they specify (if it previously has been saved) /ec Allows an admin to echo a saved slot to IRC (if it previously has been saved) /cas Allows an admin to clear all slots /nes Allows an admin to find the next empty slot number (if any) /nextemptyslot Allows an admin to find the next empty slot number (if any) /dss Allows an admin to delete the specified slot set file (cannot be undeleted) /deleteslotset Allows an admin to delete the specified slot set file (cannot be undeleted) /setsv Allows an admin to set the specified velocity values for the specified slot /setslotvelocity Allows an admin to set the specified velocity values for the specified slot /getsv Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to get/view the velocity values for the specified slot /getslotvelocity Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to get/view the velocity values for the specified slot /nl Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to find the nearest slot (/L) to their current location /nearestl Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to find the nearest slot (/L) to their current location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File Skin Commands -------------------------------- /panda Allows the player to set their skin to the Panda skin (must have the GX Custom IMG File) /mrbean Allows the player to set their skin to a Mr Beans Skin (must have the GX Custom IMG File) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File Skins and Vehicles Dialogs --------------------------------------------- /imgskins Allows the player to set a skin from the GamerX Custom IMG file using a dialog box /imgvehicles Allows the player to spawn a vehicle from the GamerX Custom IMG file using a dialog box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player "My" Commands ------------------- /skin Allows the player to set a custom skin /myskin Allows the player to set a custom skin /resetskin Allows the player to remove any custom skin they set and use the default class skin /resetmyskin Allows the player to remove any custom skin they set and use the default class skin /mydaymode Allows the player to enable or disable daymode for themself (saved to user file) /mytime Allows the player to set a custom time (if they disabled day mode with the /mydaymode command) /myweather Allows the player to set a custom weather id (it is not saved to their user file) /mycookies Allows the player to view the number of cookies they have been given by admins /mycakes Allows the player to view the number of cakes they have been given by admins /mybiscuits Allows the player to view the number of biscuits they have been given by admins /myicecreams Allows the player to view the number of icecreams they have been given by admins /myworld Allows the player to go to their own Virtual World (1000 + playerid) /exitmyworld Allows the player to exit from their own Virtual World (back to VW 0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hidden Pickup Teleport Commands ------------------------------- /hp Teleports the player to the teleport point set by an admin for the Hidden Pickup /goo Teleports the player to the teleport point set by an admin for the Hidden Pickup /hiddenpickup Teleports the player to the teleport point set by an admin for the Hidden Pickup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Only Teleport Commands ---------------------------- /gav Teleports an admin to the admin vehicles area underwater /gotoadminvehicles Teleports an admin to the admin vehicles area underwater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airport Teleport Commands ------------------------- /ga Teleports the player to the SF Airport /gasf Teleports the player to the SF Airport /galv Teleports the player to the LV Airport /gals Teleports the player to the LS Airport /gads Teleports the player to the Desert Airport /a51 Teleports the player to the Army Airport/Base in the Desert /a69 Teleports the player to the Army Airport/Base in the Desert /ga69 Teleports the player to the Army Airport/Base in the Desert /heli Teleports the player to the Helicopters at SF Airport /chopper Teleports the player to the Helicopters at SF Airport /helicopter Teleports the player to the Helicopters at SF Airport /heli2 Teleports an admin to the Helicopter at SF Police Spawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Only Interior Teleport Commands ------------------------------------- /gts Teleports the admin to the Welcome Pump Truck Stop Diner Interior (this teleport is admin only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interior Teleport Commands -------------------------- /gbb Teleports the player to the Bloodbowl Stadium Interior /gd Teleports the player to Rusty Browns Donut Shop Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /glc Teleports the player to Liberty City Interior (only admins can take vehicles there as many areas are not solid) /gmd Teleports the player to Madd Doggs Mansion Interior /gcf Teleports the player to Big Smokes Crack Factory Interior /gmp Teleports the player to Sindacco Meat Processing Plant Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /gss Teleports the player to LV Sex Shop Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /grc Teleports the player to the RC Battlefield Interior (this teleport is for the /rcplanes minigame) /pool Teleports the player to the Pool in Madd Doggs Mansion Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /studio Teleports the player to the recording studio in Madd Doggs Mansion Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /dp Teleports the player to the Dance Party Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /party Teleports the player to the Dance Party Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /gogo Teleports the player to the GoGo Dancer Cage at the Dance Party Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /shamal Teleports the player to the Shamal Aircraft Interior (no vehicles allowed as it is too small) /gpd Teleports the player to the Planning Department Interior /jizzys Teleports the player to the Jizzy's Nightclub Interior /jizzy Teleports the player to the Jizzy's Nightclub Interior ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Streamed Object Teleports --------------------------------- /as Teleports the player on top of the streamed Army Ship (if it has been created) /mt Teleports the player to on top of the Mega Tower (if it is currently active) /mr Teleports the player to the start of the Mega Road (if it is currently active) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area Teleport Commands ---------------------- /gda Teleports the player to the Dam /gbe Teleports the player to "The Big Ear" (Radio Telescope) /gg Teleports the player to the Geyser in the desert /gq Teleports the player to the Quarry pit /gc Teleports the player to the top of Mount Chiliad /gb Teleports the player to the Beach (Beach Ramps) /gbr Teleports the player to the Beach (Beach Ramps) /br Teleports the player to the Beach (Beach Ramps) /beach Teleports the player to the Beach (Beach Ramps) /gcr Teleports the player to on top of the Crane in SF /sfcrane Teleports the player to on top of the Crane in SF /gwat Teleports the player to under the waterfall in LV /gt Teleports the player to the Tree in SF /gps Teleports the player to the Pirate Ship in LV /gpa Teleports the player to Perishing Square Park in LS /gvb Teleports the player to the Verdant Bluffs /ggc Teleports the player to Greenglass College in LV /gco Teleports the player to Greenglass College in LV /gvi Teleports the player to the Vinewood Sign /gwf Teleports the player to the Weed Farm /gjy Teleports the player to the Junkyard near Mount Chiliad /gcp Teleports the player to the Clowns Pocket in LV /gu Teleports the player to the Lil' Probe Inn UFO /gufo Teleports the player to the Lil' Probe Inn UFO /gs Teleports the player to the Stadium - Baseball Field /gbf Teleports the player to the FleischBerg Beer Factory /gl Teleports the player to inside the top of the Lighthouse near the beach /lighthouse Teleports the player to inside the top of the Lighthouse near the beach /pyramid Teleports the player to on top of the Pyramid in LV /towers Teleports the player to Chiliad Towers (above Mount Chiliad) /grove Teleports the player to the Grove (CJ's house) /tunnel Teleports the player to the Top of the L 3 Tunnel (near SF Airport) /pool2 Teleports the player to the Pool near Verona Beach in LS /pool3 Teleports the player to the Pool at Pilgrim in LV /gty Teleports the player to the Truck Yard at Fallen Tree /vj Teleports the player to the real jail (outside the bars) /visitjail Teleports the player to the real jail (outside the bars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drift Teleport Commands ----------------------- /drift1 Teleports the player to Drift 1: road near the Big Ear /drift2 Teleports the player to Drift 2: bottom of the LV carpark /drift3 Teleports the player to Drift 3: road near the SF Airport /drift4 Teleports the player to Drift 4: road going down Missionary Hill in SF /drift5 Teleports the player to Drift 5: road near Junkyard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rally Teleport Commands ----------------------- /rally1 Teleports the player Rally 1: Dirt Track near Farm /rally2 Teleports the player Rally 2: Dirt Track near Leafy Hollow /rally3 Teleports the player Rally 3: Dirt Track at Mount Chiliad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tunnel Teleport Commands ------------------------ /gt1 Teleports the player to Tunnel 1: Near The Dam /gt2 Teleports the player to Tunnel 2: Sewer in LS /gt3 Teleports the player to Tunnel 3: Near Mount Chiliad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Underwater Teleport Commands ---------------------------- /gw1 Teleports the player to Underwater 1: Near SF Airport /gw2 Teleports the player to Underwater 2: Near The Dam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building Teleport Commands -------------------------- /gb1 Teleports the player on top of Building 1 - Near the Skate Bowl /gb2 Teleports the player on top of Building 2 - Tallest Building in LS /gb3 Teleports the player on top of Building 3 - Near Chicken Spawn in SF /gb4 Teleports the player on top of Building 4 - Stadium in LS /gb5 Teleports the player on top of Building 5 - Building in LS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Casino Teleport Commands ------------------------ /gc1 Teleports the player to Caligulas Casino in LV /gc2 Teleports the player to Redsands West Casino in LV /gc3 Teleports the player to The Four Dragons Casino in LV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hideout Teleport Commands ------------------------- /gh1 Teleports the player to Hideout 1: the window washer cradle near the chicken spawn /gh2 Teleports the player to Hideout 2: the fire escape balcony near the chicken spawn /gh3 Teleports the player to Hideout 3: tower near the golf club /gh4 Teleports the player to Hideout 4: under the SF construction site /gh5 Teleports the player to Hideout 5: top of Gant Bridge near "no easter eggs" sign /gh6 Teleports the player to Hideout 6: inside the submarine at the docks in SF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Spawn Point Teleport Admin Commands ----------------------------------------- /gms Teleports the admin to the Medic spawn area /ghs Teleports the admin to the Hobo spawn area /gprs Teleports the admin to the Priest spawn area /gpis Teleports the admin to the Pimp spawn area /gas Teleports the admin to the Army spawn area /gcs Teleports the admin to the Chicken spawn area /gbs Teleports the admin to the Bar Girl spawn area /gfs Teleports the admin to the Fireman spawn area /gpos Teleports the admin to the Police spawn area /gsws Teleports the admin to the SWAT spawn area /gcls Teleports the admin to the Clown spawn area /gfas Teleports the admin to the Farmer spawn area /grs Teleports the admin to the Rich spawn area /gws Teleports the admin to the Workers spawn area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Property Teleport Commands -------------------------- /gh Teleports the player to GreenhoodPLs House on the cliffs (objects) /ghpl Teleports the player to GreenhoodPLs House on the cliffs (objects) /greenhoodpl Teleports the player to GreenhoodPLs House on the cliffs (objects) /santa Teleports the player to SantaClaws House in the middle of SF bay (objects) /santaclaws Teleports the player to SantaClaws House in the middle of SF bay (objects) /asesino Teleports the player to Asesinos House near the Police Spawn in SF (objects) /electron Teleports the player to Electrons House above SF Airport (objects) /otto Teleports the player to Ottos Cars in SF /ottos Teleports the player to Ottos Cars in SF /wang Teleports the player to Wang Cars in SF /wangs Teleports the player to Wang Cars in SF /boobu Teleports the player to BooBus Secret Base below the map near the Medic spawn in SF (objects) /refuser Teleports the player to ReFuSers Heaven above SF (objects) /bl Teleports the player to BlancoLandas House near the Weed Farm (objects) /blancolanda Teleports the player to BlancoLandas House near the Weed Farm (objects) /kww Teleports the player to KingRick's Water World at the Army Spawn in SF (objects) /wwk Teleports the player to KingRick's Water World at the Army Spawn in SF (objects) /umd Teleports the player to UMD's House above the Medic Spawn in SF (objects) /gci Teleports the player to the GCI Clan Area in SF /k1ll3r Teleports the player to K1ll3rs House in Mulholland /helper Teleports the player to the Helper Clan Area House (was SCK) /sprunky Teleports the player to Lilou's House in Mulholland /uchitake Teleports the player to Uchitake's House (Burglary House Interior) /lilou Teleports the player to Lilou's House in Mulholland (Millies House) /millie Teleports the player to Lilou's House in Mulholland (Millies House) /jerzi Teleports the player to Jerzi's Island in SF Bay (was Lilou's Island) /van Teleports the player to KingRicks's Van in Tierra Robada /meisterq Teleports the player to MeisterQ's Sewerage on the coast in LV /dunga Teleports the player to Dunga's Town Hall in SF /blackid Teleports the player to BlackID's House in Richman (was UltraSlan which was Downloads Bot) /xeek Teleports the player to Xeek's House (was Pablo's House) /darkabyss Teleports the player to DarkAbyss' House in Red County /gotnitro Teleports the player to GotNitro's House in Fort Carson /dwayne Teleports the player to Dwayne's House at the Grove /nick Teleports the player to Nick's House in Flint County (objects) /micky Teleports the player to Micky's Base near the Dam (objects) /toxicro Teleports the player to Toxic_Ro's House in Mulholland (was John's House) /conq Teleports the player to Conquistadore's House in LS /norten Teleports the player to Norten's Golf Club in Prickle Pine (was Foxy's Golf Club) /xale Teleports the player to Xale's House in Mulholland /matite Teleports the player to Matite's House (Verdant Bluffs or /gvb) /dream Teleports the player to Dream's House in Prickle Pine (was Ndy's House) /ndy Teleports the player to Dream's House in Prickle Pine (was Ndy's House) /monno Teleports the player to Monno's Motel (Interior) /katie Teleports the player to Katie's House in Mulholland /zazaza Teleports the player to Zazaza's Farm /hiyah Teleports the player to Hiyah's Tires /blood Teleports the player to Blood Incorperated /rusel Teleports the player to Rusel's House in Mulholland /fenix Teleports the player to Fenix's House in SF (Interior - was Bourne's House) /305 Teleports the player to 305's Shack /mg Teleports the player to Mike's Garage /rm Teleports the player to Mike's House Roof /mro Teleports the player to Mike's House Roof /m Teleports the player to Mike's House in Red County /mike Teleports the player to Mike's House in Red County /murphy Teleports the player to Murphy's Hovel /nobody Teleports the player to _Nobody_ House /afum Teleports the player to Afum's House (was Hell_Blazer) /jordan Teleports the player to Jordan's House /groucho Teleports the player to Groucho's House at the Desert Market (objects) /grb Teleports the player to Groucho's Base on the LS coast (objects) /groucho2 Teleports the player to Groucho's Base on the LS coast (objects) /grouchosbase Teleports the player to Groucho's Base on the LS coast (objects) /toxicmdr Teleports the player to ToxicMDR's house (objects) /harry Teleports the player to Harry's area (requested on forum) /oddball Teleports the player to OddBaLL's House on Verona Beach (objects) /ksb Teleports the player to Kuba's Secret Base under the Beach Gift Shop in LS (objects) /kth Teleports the player to Kuba's Tree House in LS (objects) /azrael Teleports the player to Azrael's House in the Grove (was Kuba) /donkey Teleports the player to Donkey's House in Mulholland (normal house plus objects) /bikket Teleports the player to Bikket's House at the Geyser (objects) /dinero Teleports the player to Dinero's House in Flint County (objects) /hoia Teleports the player to Hoia's House in San Fierro (objects) /zylo Teleports the player to Zylo's House at SF Airport (normal building plus objects) /mangiare Teleports the player to Mangiare's House above SF AP (objects) /kb Teleports the player to Karl's Bar at the Grove (objects) /karlbar Teleports the player to Karl's Bar at the Grove (objects) /karlsbar Teleports the player to Karl's Bar at the Grove (objects) /rd Teleports the player to Rusel's Diner in Las Barrancas (objects) /ruselsdiner Teleports the player to Rusel's Diner in Las Barrancas (objects) /ouka Teleports the player to Ouka's Desert Airfield (same as /gads) /max1996 Teleports the player to Max's House near SF Airport on the edge of the bay (objects) /max Teleports the player to Max's House near SF Airport on the edge of the bay (objects) /luke Teleports the player to Luke's House on SF Bay (objects) /vida Teleports the player to Vida's UFO Bar (objects) /home Teleports the player to A House (interior) /mario Teleports the player to MarioKart's House (objects) /bloodcell Teleports the player to Bloodcells's Mansion (outside Mad Doggs Mansion - was Danyel's Mansion) /marcos Teleports the player inside Marco's Bistro in Liberty City /kmh Teleports the player to KMH's House on top of the Medic Spawn (objects) /izayoi Teleports the player to Izayoi's Hotel in SF /gwa Teleports the player to the GWA Clan Area inside the Four Dragons Casino /aon Teleports the player to the AON Clan Area inside a house interior /nrgchallenge Teleports the player to Count Duckulas NRG-500 Challenge (objects) /mattimus Teleports the player to Mattimus's House on the hill in SF /cesare Teleports the player to Cesare Paciotti's House in Mulholland /187 Teleports the player to the 187 Clan Area in Blueberry /gabie Teleports the player to Gabie's House in Mulholland (was Gorm's House) /kenta Teleports the player to Kenta's House in Octane Springs /nitroz Teleports the player to Nitroz House in Red County /download Teleports the player to Download's House in Richman (House with extra objects) /mertens Teleports the player to Mertens' House in Richman (was Grant's House then Cashewz House) /aasif Teleports the player to Aasif's Garage in Flint County /nmx Teleports the player to NightMareX's House in Blueberry /nightmarex Teleports the player to NightMareX's House in Blueberry /snoopy Teleports the player to Snooopy's House in Palomino Creek /snooopy Teleports the player to Snooopy's House in Palomino Creek /nyykaabi Teleports the player to Nyykabbi's House in Bayside /destroyer Teleports the player to Destroyer's House in Mulholland /exe Teleports the player to the EXE Clan Area in SF /cj101 Teleports the player to CJ101's House in Bayside /lorre Teleports the player to Lorre's House in Ocean Docks LS (Objects) /koqhiko Teleports the player to Koqhikos's Factory in LV /jumper Teleports the player to Jumper's House in SF (was jp1's House) /hoss Teleports the player to Hoss' House in Mulholland (was Adipal's House) /adriana Teleports the player to Adriana's House in Richman (was /skreen but he changed his name) /mastere Teleports the player to MasterE's House in Richman (Objects) /virusx Teleports the player to VirusX's House in Mulholland (was Hatred's House) /rich Teleports the player to [DR]Richard's House in Las Colinas /breakdown Teleports the player to Breakdown's Farm (at /rally2 - was Bocephus' Farm) /gneral Teleports the player to Gneral's House in Prickle Pine /tocha Teleports the player to Tocha's House in Ganton /slayer Teleports the player to Slayer's Pool in Pilgrim /rz Teleports the player to rz4ever's House in Mulholland /troublesome Teleports the player to Troublesome's House in Downtown LS (he changed his name from Nutty in June 2014) /jafri Teleports the player to Jafri's House in Mulholland /heavy Teleports the player to Heavy Metal's Hotel (the V Rock Hotel in LV) /quantum Teleports the player to Quantum's (Goat's) Gas in Angel Pine /gx14 Teleports the player to GX14's House in SF (was Vallons House then Burt0ns) /burt0ns Teleports the player to Burt0ns' House in SF (was Vallons House) /burtons Teleports the player to Burt0ns' House in SF (was Vallons House) /venera Teleports the player to VeNErA's Casino (the Visage Casino in LV - was Veronika's Casino) /smackthat Teleports the player to Smackthats Workshop at Blueberry Acres /maze Teleports the player to Maze's House in SF (was Tsuna's House) /jackass Teleports the player to Jackass's House in Richman /incredibly Teleports the player to Incredibly's House in Prickle Pine /dalton24 Teleports the player to Dalton24's House in Mulholland /danilo Teleports the player to Danilo's House in Prickle Pine /burnedgrass Teleports the player to Burned Grass's House at the LS Marina /rko Teleports the player to rko's House in Richman /maraz Teleports the player to Maraz's House in Richman /kapumas Teleports the player to Kapuma's House at The Grove /danda Teleports the player to Danda's House in Prickle Pine /remi Teleports the player to Remi's Lagoon (Fishers Lagoon) /mazunga Teleports the player to Mazunga's Casino in LV /nanito Teleports the player to Nanitos's House in Ganton LS /depeche Teleports the player to Depeche's House in Palomino Creek /moonjeu Teleports the player to Moonjeu's House in Prickle Pine /chain Teleports the player to Chain Narak's Farm House in Red County /sobe Teleports the player to Sobe's House in Calton Heights SF /ds Teleports the player to Dr1ftstyl3r's House in Palomino Creek /dr1ftstyl3r Teleports the player to Dr1ftstyl3r's House in Palomino Creek /hamo Teleports the player to Hamo's House in Glen Park LS /andu Teleports the player to Andu's Bank in Downtown LS /croman59 Teleports the player to Croman59's House in Spinybed /l3g3nd Teleports the player to L3g3nd's House in Richman /mall Teleports the player to the Mall in LS /sensey Teleports the player to Sensey's Gifts in LV /kabbo Teleports the player to Kabbo's House at The Farm (Objects) /tech Teleports the player to Tech's Shack in Tierra Robada /jedi Teleports the player to Jedi's House at East Beach LS (House + Objects) /chunky Teleports the player to Chunky's House in Bone County /ernesto Teleports the player to Ernesto's House in Bayside /blooregurd Teleports the player to Blooregurd's House in Prickle Pine /fernando Teleports the player to Fernando's House in an interior /hotdogs Teleports the player to a Hot Dog Stand at Verona Beach LS (was Fernando's) /chillidogs Teleports the player to a Hot Dog Stand at Verona Beach LS (was Fernando's) /batcold Teleports the player to Batcold's House in SF (was Gtking's House) /taker Teleports the player to Taker's House in Prickle Pine /vladic Teleports the player to Vladics's House in Paradiso SF /shaun Teleports the player to Shaun's Supermarket in SF /spraky Teleports the player to Spraky's House in Bayside /kanwar Teleports the player to Kanwar's House at Prickle Pine in LV /xecutioner Teleports the player to Xecutioner's Office in an Interior /kenneth Teleports the player to Kenneth's Apartments in Downtown LS /cashewz Teleports the player to Cashewz' Workshop in Whitewood Estates LV /pirate Teleports the player to Pirate's Hotel at The Camel's Toe in LV /heartbeat Teleports the player to Heartbeat's House in SF (was Zylos House) /nitram Teleports the player to NitraM's Apartments in East Beach LS /elena Teleports the player to Elena's House in Queens SF /ruling Teleports the player to Ruling's Farm at Beacon Hill /pizzaguy Teleports the player to Pizzaguy's House in Bayside /bibolilo Teleports the player to Bibolilo's House in Paradiso SF /umairumd Teleports the player to UmairUMD's House in Bayside /bobby Teleports the player to Bobby's House in Red County (was DMAN's House) /cpttall Teleports the player to Cpt_Tall's House at Paradiso in SF /charger Teleports the player to Charger's Parking Lot at the Mulholland Intersection /manuel Teleports the player to Manuel's House in Flint County /zarky Teleports the player to Zarky's Motel at Prickle Pine in LV /rick Teleports the player to Ricks's Farm at Hilltop Farm in Red County /donijol Teleports the player to Donijol's House in Bone County (he changed his name from Ozy to Pallo to Donijol) /hoshiko Teleports the player to Hoshiko's Casino at the Clowns Pocket Casino in LV /spare Teleports the player to Dream's House in an interior /trazo Teleports the player to Trazo's House in Ocean Flats SF /jobu Teleports the player to JobuJanes' Cargo Ship in SF /jobujanes Teleports the player to JobuJanes' Cargo Ship in SF /multihunter Teleports the player to Multihunter's Company at Foster Valley in SF /daan Teleports the player to Daan's House in Red County (was CombatQueen's House) /kaz Teleports the player to Greenglass College in LV (was Kaz' Property) /dragba Teleports the player to Greenglass College in LV (Dragba's College) /danyel Teleports the player to Danyel's House in Richman /sool Teleports the player to Soollaimane's House on Santa Maria Beach in LS /soollaimane Teleports the player to Soollaimane's House on Santa Maria Beach in LS /garib Teleports the player to Garib Admi's Casino on Old Venturas Strip in LV /hose Teleports the player to Hose's Mall at Garcia in SF /jeffy Teleports the player to Jeffy's House at Angel Pine /hardwell Teleports the player to Hardwell's Apartments at Temple in LS /francyr7 Teleports the player to FrancyR7's Offices at the Conference Center in LS /india Teleports the player to Peaceofindia's House in LS (objects) /peaceofindia Teleports the player to Peaceofindia's House in LS (objects) /lilia Teleports the player to Lilia's House at Glen Park in LS /rms Teleports the player to RMS' Casino at The Strip in LV /cata Teleports the player to Catal1nutzz' LS Hospital in Los Santos /catalin Teleports the player to Catal1nutzz' LS Hospital in Los Santos /catal1nutzz Teleports the player to Catal1nutzz' LS Hospital in Los Santos /keiasu Teleports the player to Keiasu's House in El Quebrados /elixir Teleports the player to Elixir's Warehouse Interior (was /dr clan area) /nate Teleports the player to Nate's House in Prickle Pine LV /abhay Teleports the player to Abhay's Apartments in Downtown LS /kalifa Teleports the player to Kalifa's House in Idlewood LS /frezer Teleports the player to Frezer's House in Mulholland /prowanted Teleports the player to ProWanted's House in Prickle Pine LV /blackbird Teleports the player to Blackbird's House at Verona Beach in LS /karl Teleports the player to Karl's Factory in East Beach LS (was Gareth's Factory) /evil Teleports the player to Evil's House in Richman /kel Teleports the player to Kel's House in Richman (was MiniMe's House) /hunter95 Teleports the player to Hunter95's House in Mulholland /zotty Teleports the player to Zotty's Restaurant in Rodeo LS /instant Teleports the player to Instant's Farm in Whetstone /infamous Teleports the player to Infamous' Supermarket in Las Payasadas /lorsimon Teleports the player to Lorsimon's House in Mulholland /luffy Teleports the player to Luffy's House in Mulholland /panzehir Teleports the player to Panzehir's House in Red County /left Teleports the player to Left's House outside San Fierro /soo Teleports the player to Soo's House at Paradiso in SF (was Duckula's House) /discplex Teleports the player to Discplex's House in Mulholland (was Dunknown's House) /nismo Teleports the player to Nismo's House in Mulholland (was Towlies House) /gnoucel Teleports the player to Gnoucel's House at Verona Beach Marina (was Flyguy's House) /nicoud Teleports the player to Nicoud's House in Richman (was Shooter's House) /raiden Teleports the player to Raiden's Offices in Downtown SF /gow Teleports the player to Gow's House in Redsands West /metagross Teleports the player to Metagross' House in Glen Park LS /xavrail Teleports the player to Xavrail's House in Redsands West /kyle Teleports the player to Kyle's Emerald Isle in LV /xiino Teleports the player to Xiino's House in Idlewood /mrandu Teleports the player to Mr Andu's Forest at Verdant Bluffs /somas Teleports the player to Soma's Casino in LV /itunes Teleports the player to iTunes' House in Redsands West /web Teleports the player to Web's Farm at Flint Range /tlcc Teleports the player to tlcc's House in Fort Carson /boeing Teleports the player to Boeing's House in Prickle Pine /zyplox Teleports the player to Zyplox's Come-A-Lot Castle in LV /joseriul Teleports the player to Joseriul's House in Angel Pine /rlm Teleports the player to RLM's House in Richman (was Krano but he changed his name) /krano Teleports the player to RLM's House in Richman (was Krano but he changed his name) /pipex Teleports the player to Pipex's Apartments in Palisades /kusto Teleports the player to Kusto's House in Whitewood Estates /camp Teleports the player to Campionull's House in Mulholland /lames Teleports the player to Lames' House at the Marina in LS /antonio Teleports the player to Antonio's Casino in LV (was Price's Casino) /mothehobo Teleports the player to MoTheHobo's House In Jefferson /xplode Teleports the player to Xplode's Bar at the Old Venturas Strip /luis38 Teleports the player to Luis38's Beef Grill in Las Barrancas /fearless Teleports the player to Fearless' Country Club in SF /shaix Teleports the player to Shaix's House in Prickle Pine /wolqy Teleports the player to Wolqy's House in Rodeo LS /odisseas Teleports the player to Odisseas's House in Prickle Pine /marek333 Teleports the player to Marek333's House in Mulholland /stefan Teleports the player to Stefan's House at the Marina in LS /burakcan Teleports the player to Burakcan's House in Paradiso SF /misterx Teleports the player to MisterX's House in Bayside /duka Teleports the player to Duka's Apartments in Redsands West /assasain Teleports the player to Assasain's House in Prickle Pine /icecube Teleports the player to iceCube's House /deathbeatz Teleports the player to DeathBeatz House /rebel Teleports the player to Rebel's House /eclipsor Teleports the player to Eclipsor's House /roddja Teleports the player to Roddja's House in El Corona LS /wooolly Teleports the player to Wooolly's House /adrenaline Teleports the player to Adrenaline's House /coickid Teleports the player to Coickid's House /xen Teleports the player to Xen's House /robo Teleports the player to Robo_N1X's House in Dillimore /kat Teleports the player to Kat's House at Fort Carson /beats Teleports the player to Beats' Apartments (LS Apartments) /bucks Teleports the player to Bucks' House /drebin Teleports the player to Drebin's House /ruthless Teleports the player to Ruthless' Car Park at Whitewood Estates /ez Teleports the player to Ez's house /bella Teleports the player to Bella's house at the /beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GamerX UFO Commands ------------------- /sus Allows an Admin to set the speed multiplier used by the GamerX UFO as it flys between the waypoints /susm Allows an Admin to set the speed multiplier used by the GamerX UFO as it flys between the waypoints /setufospeedmultiplier Allows an Admin to set the speed multiplier used by the GamerX UFO as it flys between the waypoints /ufo Allows the player to teleport inside the /UFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LS Office Commands ------------------ /lsoffice Teleports the player to the new LS Office added in SAMP 0.3c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elevator Commands ----------------- /e Displays the LS Office or LS Apartments Elevator dialog to the player /elevator Displays the LS Office or LS Apartments Elevator dialog to the player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LS Apartments Commands ---------------------- Was GamerX Custom IMG File only but now added to SAMP 0.3.7 /lsapartments Teleports the player to the new LS Apartments in the GX Custom IMG File /lsapartments1 Teleports the player to the new LS Apartments in the GX Custom IMG File /tlsap Toggles automatic loading of the LS Apartments POBs for each floor /slsapobsn Allows an admin to set the POB set name used for a floor in the LS Apartments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LS BeachSide Commands --------------------- Was GamerX Custom IMG File only but now added to SAMP 0.3.7 /lsbeachside Teleports the player to the new LS BeachSide skyscraper in the GX Custom IMG File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SF Building 1 Commands ---------------------- Was GamerX Custom IMG File only but now added to SAMP 0.3.7 /sfbuilding Teleports the player to the new SF Building 1 in the GX Custom IMG File /sfbuilding1 Teleports the player to the new SF Building 1 in the GX Custom IMG File ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File GrandCarma Commands -------------------------------------- /gchell Teleports the player to the GrandCarma Hell (from the Hell bit) /fairground Teleports the player to the GrandCarma Fairground (from the Fairground bit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File Custom Tower 1 Commands ------------------------------------------ /tower Teleports the player to the GX Custom Tower 1 on the hill in LS /tower1 Teleports the player to the GX Custom Tower 1 on the hill in LS /t1t Teleports the player to the top of GX Custom Tower 1 on the hill in LS /tower1top Teleports the player to the top of GX Custom Tower 1 on the hill in LS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File Eiffel Tower Commands ---------------------------------------- /et Teleports the player to the bottom of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /eiffeltower Teleports the player to the bottom of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /et1 Teleports the player to the top (Section 1) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /ett Teleports the player to the top (Section 1) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /eiffeltowertop Teleports the player to the top (Section 1) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /et2 Teleports the player to the top (Section 2) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /eiffeltowertop2 Teleports the player to the top (Section 2) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /ets Teleports the player to the top (Secret Section) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS /eiffeltowersecret Teleports the player to the top (Secret Section) of the GX Custom Eiffel Tower in LS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX Custom IMG File CandyLand Commands ------------------------------------- /candyland Teleports the player to CandyLand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Zone Commands --------------------------- /japan Teleports the player to Japanish by jp1 (objects) /japanish Teleports the player to Japanish by jp1 (objects) /spa Teleports the player to Nick's Spa in the Desert (objects) /kingrick Teleports the player to KingRick's Island in Fishers Lagoon (objects) /partyzone Teleports the player to Chr's Party Zone on Verona Beach LS (objects) /partyzone2 Teleports the player to Chr's Party Zone 2 on Mount Chiliad (objects) /bh1 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 1 (objects) /boathouse1 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 1 (objects) /bh2 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 2 (objects) /boathouse2 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 2 (objects) /bh3 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 3 (objects) /boathouse3 Teleports the player to jp1's Boathouse 3 (objects) /cv Teleports the player to Matites's Chiliad Valley (objects) /chiliadvalley Teleports the player to Matites's Chiliad Valley (objects) /chilliadvalley Teleports the player to Matites's Chiliad Valley (objects) /office Teleports the player to jp1's Office (objects) /gxcc Teleports the player to jp1's GX Control Centre (objects) /disco Teleports the player to jp1's Disco (objects) /balls Teleports the player to Matite's OMG Balls (objects) /hell Teleports the player to Matite's Hell (objects) /skycruiser Teleports the player to jp1's Sky Cruiser (objects) /bth Teleports the player to jp1's Big Treehouse (objects) /bigtreehouse Teleports the player to jp1's Big Treehouse (objects) /ch Teleports the player to jp1's Cliff House (objects) /cliffhouse Teleports the player to jp1's Cliff House (objects) /corey Teleports the player to Corey's House (objects) /island2 Teleports the player to Katie's Tropical Island (objects) /sb Teleports the player to JP1's Secret Base (objects) /secretbase Teleports the player to JP1's Secret Base (objects) /gva Teleports the player to Unknown's Green Valley (objects) /greenvalley Teleports the player to Unknown's Green Valley (objects) /boat Teleports the player to jp1's Boat (objects) /karlstreehouse Teleports the player to Karl's Tree House (objects) /ksc Teleports the player to Karl's Strip Club (objects) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Player Object Zones with Vehicles --------------------------------- /slam Teleports the player to Speed Boost Slam 1 at /gbb (objects) /slam1 Teleports the player to Speed Boost Slam 1 at /gbb (objects) /slam2 Teleports the player to Speed Boost Slam 2 at /galv (objects) /drag Teleports the player to Drag Race 1 (objects) /drag1 Teleports the player to Drag Race 1 (objects) /dragrace Teleports the player to Drag Race 1 (objects) /dragrace1 Teleports the player to Drag Race 1 (objects) /drag2 Teleports the player to Drag Race 2 (objects) /dragrace2 Teleports the player to Drag Race 2 (objects) /sumo1 Teleports the player to Sumo 1 (objects) /sumo2 Teleports the player to Sumo 2 (objects) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Misc Teleport Commands ---------------------------- /squeeze Teleports the player to Squeeze... the player must try and fit an Infernus through a narrow gap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trusted Player (TP) Admin Commands ---------------------------------- /tp Allows an admin to set or un-set a players Trusted Player status /trustedplayer Allows an admin to set or un-set a players Trusted Player status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trusted Player (TP) Commands ---------------------------- /tpcommands Displays the Trusted Player Help and Commands dialog (Page 1 of 2) /tphelp Displays the Trusted Player Help and Commands dialog (Page 1 of 2) /tphelp1 Displays the Trusted Player Help and Commands dialog (Page 1 of 2) /tphelp2 Displays the Trusted Player Help and Commands dialog (Page 2 of 2) /tprules Displays the Rules for Trusted Players (ie the TP rules list and website link) /tph Teleports the Trusted Player or Admin to the Trusted Player Hideout 1 - Cells /tphideout Teleports the Trusted Player or Admin to the Trusted Player Hideout 1 - Cells /tph2 Teleports the Trusted Player or Admin to the Trusted Player Hideout 2 - Woozie's Office /tphideout2 Teleports the Trusted Player or Admin to the Trusted Player Hideout 2 - Woozie's Office /tpinfo Displays the Trusted Player Info for non TPs (ie website link) /mypaint Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to set their vehicle auto-paint colors /disablemypaint Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to disable their vehicle auto-paint colors /egatps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to enable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /tgatps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to enable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /enablegotoalltps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to enable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /togglegotoalltps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to enable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /dgatps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to disable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /dtgatps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to disable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /disablegotoalltps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to disable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /disabletogglegotoalltps Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to disable goto for all Trusted Players currently online /gct Teleports the Trusted Player or Admin to on top of the control tower at LS Airport /fe Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to get a Fire Extinguisher for free /sdm Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to set their death message which shows as a chat bubble (in orange) when they die /setdeathmessage Allows a Trusted Player or Admin to set their death message which shows as a chat bubble (in orange) when they die ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ammu-Nation Teleport Commands ----------------------------- /guns Teleports the player inside Ammu-Nation in SF /ammo Teleports the player inside Ammu-Nation in SF /armor Teleports the player inside Ammu-Nation in SF /armour Teleports the player inside Ammu-Nation in SF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clan Teleport Commands ---------------------- /rgc Teleports the player to the RGC Clan Area in SF (was GW Clan) /ateam Teleports the player to A-Team Base /cfan Teleports the player to CFAN Clan House (was outside in Shady Creeks - new is Parking Garage in LV) /69 Teleports the player to 69 Clan House (outside in Shady Creeks - was TOP) /bls Teleports the player to BLS Clan House (the Big Spread Ranch Interior with Armor pickup) /sas Teleports the player to SAS Clan Area (SF Driving School) /oan Teleports the player to OAN Clan House (Cafe Interior) /lac Teleports the player to LAC Clan House (Crack Factory Interior) /tpz Teleports the player to Team Pink Zone (requested by ToxicMDR) /greece Teleports the player to the Greece Base just outside SF /fbi Teleports the player to FBI Clan Area (Ammu-Nation Target Range in El Quebrados) /ghost Teleports the player to Ghost Clan Area (Pond Near Verdant Bluffs) /elite Teleports the player to ELITE Clan Area (in the Casino at /gc1) /greek Teleports the player to the Greek Base on the hill near SF Airport /fox Teleports the player to FoX Clan Area (inside the purple dome) /mex Teleports the player to MEX Clan Area (near the dam) /sak Teleports the player to SAK Clan House (inside Ryders House) /grx Teleports the player to GRX Clan Area (at Randolph Industrial Estate) /thedrugs Teleports the player to The Drugs Clan Area (Blackfield Chapel - Objects) /sm Teleports the player to the SM Clan Area (Prickle Pine) /sx Teleports the player to the SX Clan Area (Flint County) /bkr Teleports the player to the BKR Clan Area (Ocean Docks LS) /x Teleports the player to the X Clan Area at the Junkyard (automatically loads the /LPOS file too) /xclan Teleports the player to the X Clan Area at the Junkyard (automatically loads the /LPOS file too) /m4 Teleports the player to the M4 Clan Area at the LS Beach /atmclan Teleports the player to the ATM Clan Area at the outdoor shooting range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skydiving Teleport Commands --------------------------- /skydive Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to altitude 200m above their current position /bigfall Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to altitude 9,999m above their current position /megafall Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to altitude 100,000m above their current position /gsd1 Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to altitude 800m above the SF Airport /gsd2 Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to altitude 800m above the Quarry /gsd3 Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to the Gas Works Tower /gsd4 Gives the player a parachute and teleports them to the Radio Tower /gsd5 Gives the admin a parachute and teleports them to the Andromada Interior (this teleport is admin only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff Diving Teleport Commands ------------------------------ /gd1 Teleports the player to the Cliff Diving 1 area (no vehicles) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Race Area Teleport Commands --------------------------- /gr1 Teleports the player to Race 1: Gant Bridge in SF /gr2 Teleports the player to Race 2: Bridge near Mount Chiliad /gr3 Teleports the player to Race 3: Mulholland /gr4 Teleports the player to Race 4: Airport Runway in SF /gr5 Teleports the player to Race 5: Airport Runway in LV /gr6 Teleports the player to Race 6: Sewer Drain in LS /gr7 Teleports the player to Race 7: Docks in LS /gr8 Teleports the player to Race 8: Highway at Red County /gr9 Teleports the player to Race 9: Highway leading into SF /gr10 Teleports the player to Race 10: Main Strip in LV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pier Teleport Commands ---------------------- /gp1 Teleports the player to Pier 1: Verona Beach /gp2 Teleports the player to Pier 2: Verona Beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicle Parking Area Commands ----------------------------- /pc Teleports the player to the Pimp Cars Parking Area (where pimpable cars are) /pimpablecars Teleports the player to the Pimp Cars Parking Area (where pimpable cars are) /pimpcars Teleports the player to the Pimp Cars Parking Area (where pimpable cars are) /rtr Teleports the player to the Ramp Trucks Parking Area (where the Ramp Trucks are) /ramptruck Teleports the player to the Ramp Trucks Parking Area (where the Ramp Trucks are) /ramptrucks Teleports the player to the Ramp Trucks Parking Area (where the Ramp Trucks are) /i Teleports the player to the Infernus Cars Parking Area (where the Infernus are) /cars Teleports the player to the Infernus Cars Parking Area (where the Infernus are) /infernus Teleports the player to the Infernus Cars Parking Area (where the Infernus are) /kart Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /karts Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /cart Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /carts Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /gokart Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /gokarts Teleports the player to the Kart Parking Area (where the Go-Karts are) /nrg500 Teleports the player to the NRG 500 Motorcycle Parking Area (where the NRG-500s are) /motorbike Teleports the player to the NRG 500 Motorcycle Parking Area (where the NRG-500s are) /motorbikes Teleports the player to the NRG 500 Motorcycle Parking Area (where the NRG-500s are) /caddy Teleports the player to the Caddy Vehicles (Golf Carts) Parking Area (where the Golf Carts are) /golf Teleports the player to the Caddy Vehicles (Golf Carts) Parking Area (where the Golf Carts are) /golfcart Teleports the player to the Caddy Vehicles (Golf Carts) Parking Area (where the Golf Carts are) /sanchez Teleports the player to the Sanchez Motorcyles Parking Area (where the Sanchez Motorcyles are) /bmx Teleports the player to the BMX bikes at Stunt Area 1: Skate Bowl 1 /bike Teleports the player to the BMX bikes at Stunt Area 1: Skate Bowl 1 /bikes Teleports the player to the BMX bikes at Stunt Area 1: Skate Bowl 1 /rus Teleports the player to the Rustlers Airfield (where the Rustler Planes are) /rustler Teleports the player to the Rustlers Airfield (where the Rustler Planes are) /rustlers Teleports the player to the Rustlers Airfield (where the Rustler Planes are) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuning Teleport Commands ------------------------ /t1 Teleports the player to Tuning 1: SF Transfender /t2 Teleports the player to Tuning 2: SF Wheel Arch Angels /t3 Teleports the player to Tuning 3: SF Pay and Spray 1 /t4 Teleports the player to Tuning 4: LV Pay and Spray /t5 Teleports the player to Tuning 5: LS Pay and Spray /t6 Teleports the player to Tuning 6: LV Transfender /t7 Teleports the player to Tuning 7: Fort Carson Pay and Spray /t8 Teleports the player to Tuning 8: SF Pay and Spray 2 /t9 Teleports the player to Tuning 9: LS Lowrider Tuning /t10 Teleports the player to Tuning 10: El Quebrados Pay and Spray ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GTASA Stunt Teleport Commands ----------------------------- /gs1 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 1: Skate Bowl 1 /gs2 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 2: Skate Bowl 2 (in LS) /gs3 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 3: The Big Jump near the Dam /gs4 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 4: The Stunting Stadium Interior /gs5 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 5: The Dirt Track Stadium Interior /gs6 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 6: The 8 Track Stadium Interior /gs7 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 7: The Roof of Car Park in LV /gs8 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 8: The Farm Jump /gs9 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 9: The Docks Jump in LS /gs10 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 10: The Coast Jump in LV /gs11 Teleports the player to Stunt Area 11: The Jump to SF Airport ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Steel League Commands --------------------------- /hsl1 Teleports the player to Heavy Steel League Map 1: Village (Objects) /hsl2 Teleports the player to Heavy Steel League Map 2: Forest (Objects) /hsl3 Teleports the player to Heavy Steel League Map 3: Town (Objects) /hsl4 Teleports the player to Heavy Steel League Map 4: Desert (Objects) /hslp Displays a list of the current players in the Heavy Steel League maps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minigame List Commands ---------------------- /game Displays the list of available minigames to the player /games Displays the list of available minigames to the player /minigame Displays the list of available minigames to the player /minigames Displays the list of available minigames to the player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Zone List Commands ------------------------- /cz Displays the list of Combat Zones (Objects + Mini Game) to the player /czs Displays the list of Combat Zones (Objects + Mini Game) to the player /combatzones Displays the list of Combat Zones (Objects + Mini Game) to the player ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combat Zone Commands -------------------- /cz1 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 1: LV Stadium (Objects) /cz2 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 2: SF Road Tunnel (Objects) /cz3 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 3: Pirates (Objects) /cz4 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 4: KingRicks Deathmatch (Objects) /cz5 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 5: Kuba and Lilous Minigun Deathmatch (Objects) /cz6 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 6: DRs War Zone (Objects) /cz7 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 7: Snooopys Spider (Objects) /cz8 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 8: Count Duckulas Deathmatch (Objects) /cz9 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 9: Dark Abyss Deathmatch (Objects) /cz10 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 10: Chr Deathmatch (Objects) /cz11 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 11: Crazy@(nl) Sniper High (Objects) /cz12 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 12: War Zone by Coickid (Objects) /cz13 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 13: Pipes by Vallon (Objects) /cz14 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 14: Maze by General (Objects) /cz15 Teleports the player to Combat Zone 15: Giza by Unknown (Objects) /gj1 Teleports the player to Grenade Jump 1 by Download (Objects) /grenadejump1 Teleports the player to Grenade Jump 1 by Download (Objects) /gj2 Teleports the player to Grenade Jump 2 by [FoX]Adipal (Objects) /grenadejump2 Teleports the player to Grenade Jump 2 by [FoX]Adipal (Objects) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minigame Commands ----------------- /tank1 Teleports the player to the Tank 1 Mini Game /mg1 Teleports the player to the Minigun 1 Minigame: Inside a Small Building /minigun1 Teleports the player to the Minigun 1 Minigame: Inside a Small Building /mg2 Teleports the player to the Minigun 2 Minigame: Inside the Police Building /minigun2 Teleports the player to the Minigun 2 Minigame: Inside the Police Building /mg3 Teleports the player to the Minigun 3 Minigame: Inside the Casino Basement /minigun3 Teleports the player to the Minigun 3 Minigame: Inside the Casino Basement /mg4 Teleports the player to the Minigun 4 Minigame: Inside the Planning Department Interior /minigun4 Teleports the player to the Minigun 4 Minigame: Inside the Planning Department Interior /mg5 Teleports the player to the Minigun 5 Minigame: Inside Area 69 Labs /minigun5 Teleports the player to the Minigun 5 Minigame: Inside Area 69 Labs /mg6 Teleports the player to the Minigun 6 Minigame: At Oil Refinery /minigun6 Teleports the player to the Minigun 6 Minigame: At Oil Refinery /grenade1 Teleports the player to the Grenade 1 Minigame: Inside a Warehouse Interior /dildo1 Teleports the player to the Dildo 1 Minigame: Inside the Base of the Lighthouse /jetpack1 Teleports the player to the JetPack 1 Minigame: Inside the Dam Interior /tec91 Teleports the player to the Tec9 1 Minigame: Ocean Docks Warehouse in LS /chainsaw1 Teleports the player to the Chainsaw 1 Minigame: Inside the Roof of a Building /katana1 Teleports the player to the Katana 1 Minigame: Inside the Martial Arts Interior /shotgun1 Teleports the player to the Shotgun 1 Minigame: /shotgun2 Teleports the player to the Shotgun 2 Minigame: /boxing1 Teleports the player to the Boxing 1 Minigame: Boxing Ring Interior /mp51 Teleports the player to the MP5 1 Minigame: /flowers1 Teleports the player to the Flowers 1 Minigame: Near the graveyard /de1 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 1 Minigame: /deagle1 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 1 Minigame: /de2 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 2 Minigame: /deagle2 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 2 Minigame: /de3 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 3 Minigame: /deagle3 Teleports the player to the Desert Eagle 3 Minigame: /cs1 Teleports the player to the Combat Shotgun 1 Minigame: /cs2 Teleports the player to the Combat Shotgun 2 Minigame: /cs3 Teleports the player to the Combat Shotgun 3 Minigame: /tennis Teleports the player to the Tennis Minigame: On the Tennis Court /sniper1 Teleports the player to the Sniper 1 Minigame: Oil Refinery /sniper2 Teleports the player to the Sniper 2 Minigame: Lake Shore /rocket1 Teleports the player to the Rocket 1 Minigame: At The Dam /rocket2 Teleports the player to the Rocket 2 Minigame: Small Town Near SF /m41 Teleports the player to the M4 1 Minigame: /m42 Teleports the player to the M4 2 Minigame: /m43 Teleports the player to the M4 3 Minigame: In the Ship near Pimp Spawn in SF /ss1 Teleports the player to the Sawnoff Shotgun 1 Minigame: at the Drive-In Theatre /pistol1 Teleports the player to the Pistol 1 Minigame: at a power yard /dome Teleports the player to the Dome Minigame: Big Purple Dome (Deathmatch Area) /ship Teleports the player to the Cargo Ship Minigame: at Ocean Docks in LS (Deathmatch Area) /worksite Teleports the player to the Worksite Minigame: Construction Yard in LV (Deathmatch Area) /warzone Teleports the player to the Warzone Mini Game (Tanks, Hydras and Hunters) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin Teleport System Commands ------------------------------ /createteleport Allows an admin to create a new teleport command /ctele Allows an admin to create a new teleport command /removeteleport Allows an admin to remove a teleport command /rtele Allows an admin to remove a teleport command /toggleteleports Allows an admin to enable or disable the GamerX Teleport System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document lists all commands up to GamerX v4.4.6 for SA:MP 0.3.7 (c) 2015 GamerX